Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

«Politikariek nahiago dute gizarte lokartua, eta jendeak nahiago du sofan geratu buruari eragin gabe»

Diskoko burdinak eta herdoilak zuen adina eta jatorria, biak, irudikatzen al ditu?

Agian bai, Meatzaldekoak gara gu eta hori nabaritzen da gure abestietan. Baina kantatzen duguna ez da Euskal Herrian bakarrik gertatzen, beste leku askotan ere bai. Politikariek nahiago dute gizarte lokartua, eta jendeak nahiago du etxeko sofan geratu buruari eragin gabe; hori ez da asko aldatzen eta salatzen dugu.

Hainbat kantatako hitzak obsesibo eta itogarriak dira. Petronorren errua al da?

Ez, Petrohorror negozio hutsa da nagusiek diru asko irabaztea besterik ez dutelako nahi. Petrohorror, Ibertrola, bankuak eta horrelako enpresak politikoen eskuetan daude eta hori jasanezina da. Guztiok batu eta haien kontra borrokatu behar dugu. Haiek dira manipulazioa, ustelkeria, boterea, kutsadura; gizarteari dekadentzia bakarrik ekarriko diote.

“I burst forth zatitan”. Ezkerraldean euskararen alde egin eta ez erretzeko irudimena lau bider biderkatu behar?

Beno, bakoitzak berea. Ezkerraldean batez ere gaztelaniaz hitz egiten da, baina poliki-poliki euskara gehiago entzuten ari da kalean.

Ama Sayk giroekin gehiago jolastuko luke eta desberdina litzateke Maite Mursego aurretik ezagutu bazenute?

Agian bai, batek daki. Agerian dago, Maite eta Lisaböko Txap, sekulako musikariak direla. Gauza asko irekita daude. Oso pozik gaude beraien kolaborazioarekin.

“Ahate artian beltxarga bat” sentitu izan zarete beti?

Ni behintzat ez. Agian kanpotik ematen du arraroak garela, baina guretzat gure musika nahiz eta pertsonala izan, beti ikusi dugu normaltasun baten barruan.

Bonberenea Ekintzak da gaur egun zuengandik hurbilen ikusten duzuen aukera?

Bonberenean sekulako baloreak lantzen ari dira, jende gaztea mugitzen da altruismo hutsez, eta hori hunkigarria da. Musika zabaltzeko modu berezia da, guk gustuko duguna.

2025-02-03 | Nicolas Goñi
Wildlife doesn’t return to depopulated rural areas as expected
Over the past 75 years, 4 million square kilometres of agricultural land have been abandoned in the world ' s peripheral rural areas. If hitherto they have been abandoned mainly for economic reasons, climate change will increasingly lead to them. Could this massive but... [+]

2025-02-03 |
La Rochelle faces the provocation of the ultra-right
The fascist Vox party announced its intention to install an “information desk” in the Rochapea district of Pamplona, and they have met with the rejection of a diverse working-class neighborhood that “does not want fascists on the streets.” There have also been VOX’s in... [+]

2025-02-03 | Euskal Irratiak
Antton Luku: «Egiazko urtats da inauterien momentua»

Duela hemeretzi urte berpiztu zen libertimenduen usadioa Donibane Garazin. Antton Lukuk abiatu zuen mugimendu hori, eta bi hamarkadetan, Ipar Euskal Herriko herri desberdinetara ez ezik, Hegoaldera ere hedatu da. Zortzi libertimendu muntatu dira aurten, eta datozen asteetan,... [+]

2025-02-03 | Gedar
House evicted in Astrabudua in November, recovered
A 70-year-old woman and her grandson were thrown out of their home, but they took her back. The Socialist Housing Union of Uribe Kosta explains its commitment to defend the house.

More than 2,000 people mobilize against the closure of the Laudion Guardian
Convened by the Guardian business committee and the SOS Aiaraldea platform, a massive mobilization has been held in Laudio to denounce the closure of the Laudio plant. More than 2,000 people have made a chain of human beings surrounding the plant.

2025-02-03 | Axier Lopez
Why does Facebook leave Twitter and Facebook?
Algorithms that promote hatred, applications designed to generate addiction, platforms that see advertising recipients instead of people, social networks that treat us like merchandise... It seems that lately the population only receives toxicity from the main social networks,... [+]

Osakidetza calls for real and structural solutions in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Bilbao and San Sebastian
Thousands of people took to the streets on Saturday to demand "real solutions" from the Basque Government and the Department of Health to solve the structural problems of Osakidetza.

A wave of people in Pamplona say no to the carpentry and demand the acquittal of the defendants
Thousands of people gather after lunch on Saturday in Pamplona to express their opposition to the macroproject of the Baztan Carpinteria and demand the acquittal of the seven defendants who will be tried in May. We videotaped the conclusion of the event [at the end of the news].

The Cedarras group and its interests as a lobby of the armory
On 15 January, the Zedarria business forum presented its sixth report at the University of Deusto in Bilbao. The director of the Cedarras group, Guillermo Torreonsoro, explained that in the coming years a lot of money will be invested in the “security and defense industry”... [+]

2025-02-03 | Garazi Zabaleta
The Bio-K
Chukruta and kimchi of the Basque Country
Satxa Zeberio, promoter of the Bio-K project, moved to Errezil and planted apple trees several years ago. “It was time to do something with apples, and then we started producing apple juice and cider,” he explains. In 2015, the Bio-K project was officially created and, in... [+]

2025-02-03 | Jakoba Errekondo
To burn and draw coal
Goodbye for the winter. It's winter and it's coming. Mimosas (Acacia dealbata) and magnolias (Magnolia soulangeana and Magnolia stellata) have flourished, so welcome to the main blooms. But watch out for the cold. Although the daylight has already spread for a little more than an... [+]

The Brown Vulture
The Nature Cleaner
This bird, so popular in our country, is a stubborn rotten bird that has not brought it a good reputation. Some call it an eagle, a buitre, a futre, a hatxarrano or a mirusai; the official name is the brown sai (Gyps fulvus).

Wool, fairy and colostrum
The peace that comes from rooting in the wool often saves me from storms both inside and outside. I haven't found a more effective peacemaker in the area than Lana. Their strength increases if blood, placenta and colostrum are involved; because together with the wool they have... [+]

Bonus track: where is the prize?

They were all in food and drink, seemingly cheerful, but some were nervous between snacks and appetizers. He would receive the prize for the second time, but he would be the first to have it in his hands. And I was nervous because the reminder had to get to the office, damn it.... [+]

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