As in the movie Matrix, we are in a war against the machine. If you want to think about the machine, think about the government, the parliament, the political parties and the media. Think of this sophisticated legal and institutional technology devoid of humanity. That's the machine. He has no heart, but he has faces. Rubalcaba, Zapatero, Lopez, Urkullu.
The programmers of the machine are gathered. FMI, ACS, BBVA, SANTANDER, FCC, ENDESA. They're above the machine. They're programmers, they're not like us. They realized before us that we are in war, and they have anticipated us.
The machine has been programmed to disarm the population.
The mortgage stifles us. Without work or in precariousness, the machine does not allow you to breathe, you are off. Raise taxes, raise the light, raise the gas. The pension reform. Society is in the EEA. The machine has a thousand ways to keep the population bleeding.
Build the incinerator plant. Impoverish the population. Make the people sick. Take away the civic responsibilities of citizens, sprout civic education. The machine rules like this. This is what we have in Madrid, Vitoria or San Sebastián.
“Indignez-vous!” says the old man. If we want to win this war... Engineers, unemployed, self-employed, students, teachers. Where the fuck are the kids? Even the old ones! We'll need them all.
Humanity is a bloodthirsty machine invented. They've put it in motion. 21st century technology, and 21st century paranoia. It's the real thing. Morpheus, where are you?
“ETA’s Communication Falls on a Union Colchón.” It's the unit of the machine.
The citizen at the service of the machine and at the service of the programming machines is thus placed. Slender citizens, fat capitalists. The facts of social injustice are appalling. 80% of the wealth is held by 20% of the society. Among them the government, looking for fodder for the capitalists in the gut of the citizens. Same machine in Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal.
The illegalization. The arrests. The tortures. Stick to whoever wants to get out of the machine. The one who knows the truth. The one who says how the machine works. Those who gain space. Hernani, Hernani, Usurbil. Freedom in the Matrix prison has the number 8719600510.
If you, like me, want to see the economy at the service of politics and not the other way around, if you, like me, want to see politics at the service of citizens and not the other way around, then you, like me, are in a war against the machine.
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