The right to be armed, and to be happy, are enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America. In our country, the number of people who have a gun – licensed and unlicensed – is far greater than the number of happy people, I’m sure. In the Basque Country we are more famous hunters than birds. But in the world of politics, I think, there is still something more foolish than these two rights that the U.S. Constitution prescribes, and it is that we continue to call the current dimension of politics the dimension of politics today. Ana mentioned the election, and I shook my head, as if to dispel some black ideas, but I started the other one. Whether I wrote it or not, I will finally say what my pessimistic view of the functional structure of today’s political system is based on: even apart from personal experience, I have always found the certainty of the sweet smile of those who agree to give their name on the list anthological issues of the parties’ peoples, as they feel good, and that being part of the political community has increased their sensitivity. The same thing happens to me when I get drunk on non-alcoholic beer. Political parties diligently preserve the reasonings that any other would have thrown away or lost, as do ordinary artists, who are absolutely certain of the importance that these reasonings, even if they do not serve objectively deus, being the result of a group of geniuses, will ever have. It's not always like that, of course. Yes, almost always. In this democratic madness, we have recently seen, in order to break the marks of insolence, what kind of privileged people are now living in those who negotiate our petral future. I have no idea how to propose a new political system of representation, but the need to decide what is not the worst of the worst seems to me terribly sad. Horribly wrong. And I think we have something to worry about. And we're responsible. Our politicians are not good at understanding politics. And they don’t understand us when we say that we want to leave them the representation of the people. I believe that, today, ours is among the peoples who make politics the worst. It's a political metaphor, of course, but I don't know if they'll get it. And like me, many people think the same thing. But we still have nothing to do with this romantic problem. I'm just desperate. And we are running out of the main components in politics: hope. And we are filling the place of hope with fear. Luckily, as Beñat showed us perfectly, football is a subject that we master well. And Time 24: the temperature of the sea water. And gastronomy, an important work that young chefs are doing. Basque poetry is less interested than the disappearance of a species of plankton. Ordinary politicians, in my opinion, annul the value of the individual. Ordinary politicians talk a lot, but they don't say anything. My word is my future, not theirs. I am more than a political system. There is no thing, no person, no state that has a command in me. Because I'm the only one in my life who has authority. And it is this power that I choose now to live free of remarkable enthusiasm and without leaving the sports card.
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