Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Impossible Made of Action

Repeat a lie a thousand times, and soon it will come true.” The motto devised by Joseph Goebbels is dothrin by those in power. For example, if it is a resounding lie that institutions promote sustainable development and citizen participation, it is accepted because they repeat it to us from all sides.

I'd give a thousand examples, but I'll stick with one. According to public propaganda, the new Basque Government Territorial Planning should be an example in terms of sustainability. However, an analysis of the so-called Partial Territorial Plan of Donostialdea (the rest will be similar) shows that this statement is not true. It appears to be a disaster. In addition, they want to introduce us to the wedge, the missile of silence, without any discussion (limiting the information to the Internet and a misleading exhibition).

Fortunately, there are people who study the news on the Internet and transmit it to the public, and thanks to these friends, just two months ago we learned that the Partial Territorial Plan of Donostialdea, which has already been approved, includes initiatives that will have a great impact in the town of Barrios. Such as the extension of the second Ronda and the platform for strategic and logistical activities in the Lezo-Superficie area. The first fully captures the Oiartzun Valley, as well as the logistics platform, which includes large areas that are partially protected in the planning of the town.

“The Ttakun-ttakun... You are in danger!” We convoked the popular assembly through the computer room and a series of posters. About 200 citizens, villagers, neighbours or street dwellers appeared, all of whom were alarmed at what they were hearing: “They just made the second belt of San Sebastián and want to make another extension from the center of our valley? Also, do you want to make another huge logistics platform? Without forgetting that the works of the AVE are about to begin? That has no legs or heads!” A working

group was formed during the assembly. The most effective way to combat the threat was to transmit information to the population. In what way? Organizing meetings in neighborhoods, handing out leaflets for distribution from house to house, establishing panels and photographs depicting the disaster in all places, and above all, gathering as many allegations as possible, to send them to the Department of Environment, Territorial Organization, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, responsible for this plan.

We have achieved what seemed impossible at first: The collection of 7,500 allegations – 3,200 of them from citizens residing in Oiartzun, which represents 40% of the census – were presented at the San Sebastián delegation of the Department of Territorial Planning on December 30. But the most important thing has been the grassroots network formed around this issue and, above all, the “total consensus reached among all the social and political actors of the people”, as this has been reflected in the fact that all the political parties have agreed with the allegation. And the Provincial Council, which was in favour at the beginning, has also begun to derail itself from the motorway.

We're very happy. In addition to exposing the whiteness of those who manage the institutions, we have compromised another dangerous lie. That is to say, with the belief that citizens go through problems with the environment, or at least with the belief that citizens are discouraged from the belief that the barracks that come from above can be stopped. In other words: “Whether you like it or not, those above will always do what they want, so why get into trouble?”
Well, yes, it is! Sometimes you get it, doing the impossible!

Frantziako Estatu Kontseiluak Palestinak irabaziko du Kolektiboaren desegitea onartu du

Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.

Izan, badira salbuespen legeak, bai horixe!

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Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).


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