Berezkoak, naturalak edo teknikoki jatorrizkoak deitzen diren basoak ziren hasieran. Gero nekazaritzaren eta abeltzaintzaren etorriak murriztu egin zituen. Ondorengo industriek beren premietara makurtu zituzten: su-egurretarako, ikatzetarako, zuretarako... Batez ere burdingintzak eta ontzigintzak lotzen zituzten basoen emanak. Industria hauek sustatu eta zabaldu ahala behar-beharrezko zuten egurretik nahi adina izateko, basoaren erabilera arautzera eta hauen jabeekin hartu eta emanak lotzera egin zuten.
Burdinarena eta itsasontziena, bi industriok eragin izan dute eta mugatu gure basoen izaera. Txara eta baso-tantaiak edo baso-lizarrak ziren nagusi.
Tantaien edo lizarren basoak jatorrizko basoaren ondorengo naturalak dira. Oso-osorik utzitako zuhaitzak dira bertan eta etxegintzarako eta batez ere itsasontzigintzarako behar ziren. Asko jota, inausketa arinen bat eta bakantzeak egingo ziren bertan. Ehundik gora urte aise zituzten zuhaitzak banaka botako ziren eta hark utzitako tartean berriak aldatu.
Txara hitzak zuhaixka esan nahi du eta txara edo txaradi, zuhaixkez osatutako basoari deitzen zaio. Zein espeziez osatua baino zein formako landareak dituen adierazten du: zuhaitzik ez, landare ttikiak. Txaran landareak urte gutxioro mozten ziren. Diametro txikiko enbortxoak etekin handia ematen zuen orduan: iduritarako, saskigintzarako materiala, eraikuntzarako-eta arba jendea, su-egurretarako, abereen bazka... Tarteka arraseko mozketa egin eta basoa erabat soiltzen zen. Gero moztutako ipurdietatik sortutako altsumaz eta pujez berrituko zen. Kimu berri hauek hazi ahal izateko, ordea, abererik ez zen bazkatu behar baso horietan; hauek ez ziren tuntun memelo, eta puntta berritik puntta berrira gozo jardungo zuten.
Last February. Goodbye to the winter and welcome to the municipal police, to the grass or to the grass. It's nice to be blackened, but for the next time I'll leave that path. I still want to flush the wood...
The other day Berria brought the story of the desolate facade of... [+]
From wood emerges more than a splinter, among other expressions... But the proverb says: "Splinter for wood." Return of the muela: from seed to plant, seed to plant. Many of them have been Gotzon Garate. Ready for enjoyment?
What wood, what a splinter. What a trunk, what a... [+]
Tough, resilient timber, which will have to withstand a great deal of tension and strength, will be thrown into these darkness, as I said the other day. If you accidentally cut a tree off to get a wood of this kind, the waning moon of February will close with a month, and those... [+]
Winter is usually the time of wood and wood. Most of those used in our culture are cut in winter. Resistant, resistant, tensile and forceful woods will be thrown into these moons. Demolition work for logs that give rise to soft and flexible hardwood or woods will be high season... [+]
Weather conditions are over; water, water and water. What to talk about in the elevator or at the bus stop? There's no news, and you have to start throwing away something else to tell stories. The advantage of being said to have been bad for some time, you have to think ... The... [+]
Carrozillo or snail (Rhamnus alaternus) is not abundant. It is berozale and lives very well among other trees and shrubs that share this same hobby, such as the Madroño (Arbutus unedo), the cork oak (Quercus suber), the bull (Laurus nobilis), the motherhood (Quercus pyrenaica)... [+]
The last time I was surrounded by you. Jon Maia has taken over the strength of the forest and the tree over us, and the influence it has on our culture to make one of those great documentaries; Gutik Zura is called Gutik Zura and whoever wants to help with a few cents to... [+]
Just like the tree, it's culture to put the tree on top and hold the branches. Great knowledge, culture. Otherwise, by breaking the branches and deforming them, it would help a plant that would be rapacious and in turn give a new future. Culture: working. Help grow. Sometimes to... [+]
I play the violin. I'm a better arpist than a violinist, but the violin is my livelihood. Warm summer, the heat lasts a lot. We paste it. In summer, I have the pagotxa, the concert string. In summer, the Alfer, in addition to the first, is proud, and some have to explain that it... [+]
If when we were kids, we saw a dog scratching his leg to soothe the itch or to send the fleas to wind, we said he was “playing the guitar.” Dogs, I don't know, but some dog will touch the violin. I mean, it's going to be a violinist dog.
To play, you have to dance the hoop on... [+]
Zuhaitzak, arbolak eta zuhaixkak muskildu, inausi eta lepatu egiten ditugu. Batzuetan muskil edo kimu ttikiak, eta besteetan adartxoak, adar politak, baita adar tzar asarreak ere. Berari kendu, eta bueltan zauria utziz.
Forma jakin bat emateko mozten ditugu landareak: itzala... [+]
Aurrekoa amaitu nuen erari helduko diot: gosea piztuz. Gazta aipatu nuen. Alnus glutinosa, haltzaren ezpalez ketzen direla nioen, baita haltzak bihotzaz gain odola ere baduela. Kolore gorri asko eransten dio gaztari, gorri hila, distiragabe hila. Ketzen azkarrena da haltza,... [+]