The year 2010 ended with 178,972 unemployed in the Southern Basque Country, 6% more than in 2009. Bizkaia has surpassed the record with 5,634 more unemployed, almost 8% more. The number of unemployed in Álava increased by 1,171, an increase of 6.10 per cent. In Navarre, there were 2,358 more unemployed and unemployment increased by 5.80%. Gipuzkoa was the country with the least increase in unemployment last year, with an increase of 955 unemployed, an increase of 2.48%. In absolute numbers, Bizkaia had 76,129 unemployed at the end of the year, Navarre 43,011, Gipuzkoa 39,449, and Álava 20,383. In 2010, the unemployment rate in the Southern Basque Country increased by a third more than in the Spanish State. In Spain there are 176,470 more unemployed people and the pair has increased by 4.5%. Women and young people are the sectors most affected by unemployment and instability.
Cold statistics should not prevent us from seeing the personal and family tragedy behind every unemployed person. These figures should represent a real state of emergency for society and for political, social and trade union leaders. The reforms that are being promoted by international “traders” – in the field of labor, pensions, etc. – only serve to ensure the return of the credits that they left with high interest rates. They're just looking for their business. Alternative economic policies are needed to put the cost of the crisis on top of the real person responsible for creating it – the big bank – and to promote productive investments. When is a special tax for banks, financial institutions and large fortunes? A new fiscal policy is needed to tax those who have the most, eliminate tax havens and disguise the liberal sectors that commit fraud (professional athletes, notaries, great lawyers, registrars, doctors, dentists, architects...). It is necessary to open the source of credit, especially for small and self-employed enterprises, until the state of emergency is eliminated.
by Juan Mari Arregi
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