Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“We often do Basque” more often than it really is”

  • I've never suffered so much with a transcript.
Iñigo Azkuna
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
It’s hard and strange to hear Basque.

I’ll be reading Russian because I don’t speak Russian. What it does to me, however, is strange and hard to hear –I say to listen– or to listen to TV or radio “inversions”, “radicals”, etc., and to listen to holatsu needs “inversions”, “radicales”, etc. But I’m sure that I would also write a text of my own to hear that raro for the moment is not that “real” Basque, anywhere sociologically. We're not talking about it, but about phonetics, syntaxis.

Luckily, it’s easier and more natural!

It should be Basque, and if it’s not done by us, it should be easy and somehow natural. I mean accessible and useful for any normal Basque person as a good “rigorous” tool, without being a specialist in Basque.

Why do I need to use these?

For they are better, used wisely and cautiously, than we see days of arrows in the press, several texts quasi inequibles, quasi opaque, incomprehensible.

Should simpler forms be preferred versus more comified forms?

Who could doubt that? Well, I don't. Luena lifts her finger.

More words culturally amnesty, for example. Full amnesty for the Basque language.

Not specified, yes. Without a doubt. We have to have or have in an autonomous duchy our language, Basque, how in other areas, religion, gastronomy, politics, sexuality, positione over autanasia, divorce, abortion... No anarchism but yes autonomy because we must not be robots obedient automated teleconferenced people.

Basque verbua is, without a doubt, a co-explained yew tree.

At least for me – I’ve been flying around Basque for 40 years – because I don’t know how much I know the Basque verb with respect to its totality (how much per cent) that seems to be a deep abysmal limagen hondo bean. Many others besides me (Amuriza in his latest book, etc.) also say that the Basque word needs a firm pruning so that it is not a terrible paralyzing totem.

But is anyone equally free, whatever form of verbal use is most convenient?

Yes, at least it is free of me, but no such thing would be advisable, as any language, such as Basque, is for communication, and it is not good to use the commonest and scarcely the most commonest option. I think it's an absurd mass.

The Basque language has a reputation for learning the language, it was said that even the devil could not learn it.

All the celebrities and all the cartoons also have at least a part of the truth. But seeing how many students have begun to learn honestly without finishing the Basque language, who can deny that this fame of a lily has a part –a part of handis- of that dificile fame? It's the Evident. We often do it in Basque, for example, by teaching what a blonde means by redhead or transport. Where do we go for barbarities like kin. How much of this caricature is true, I don’t know quantitatively that.

Many Basques, the Basque Country, read Basque almost impossible.

This caricature is true date analysis, but a simple demoscopic kin study can be confirmed or dismissed. Let the demoscopic study be done at once.

Whose fault and consequently is the culpability?

Is it the fault? Is it the culpability? On the one hand, the first “Euskarak himself”, the language, has its part in it; on the other hand, its retrospective construction... The Basque language has evolved among the people as much as possible, almost individually; remember what Lizarraga says. Apart from the linguistic destruction of the Basque language, there is no impository for anyone who does not want a wide and open environment to act autonomously. In editorials, the quasi inquisitors are correctors, for example. The Academy also has no more openness or permissiveness, nor does it provide any public discharge or reasoning – being the public entity’ supported by public money – about its own fixed regulation or megaloregulation.

Is the orthographic and lexical praxis of our Academy logical or illogical?

My eretxiz is the illogical total in orthography, in international words, the position of the Academy. The Duke Academy has not yet learned what Occidental Culture is and that we are a part of it since ancient times. Why can't the international words v letrea an be used as normal? For what reason? Why not be more permissive, such as exponent orthographiko, opening the way to the letter v? Orthographia, on the contrary, what Xabier Amuriza has read in his last book, is worth it.

Is your writing more serious about Ezi?

By memory orthographia yes, without doubt, in international words. In my other field, apart from orthography, as a syntactic effort or a prepositional use, I have not made a commparative valoration, for I take this path as my own, and as my own individual, where I can also have variable vaiven oscillators. It is, sober, an effort –I would say– a postive. I am myself and the Academy is such an academy. I have a simple personal dimension and the Academy of a public entity. Commuting is not logical, we are not logical.

You've learned the good thing about brevity and easy simplicity through English.

I’ve learned’ by learning a lot of English things that can be applied to Basque. Learn to use Basque better. I am grateful to learn this language at my older age. When I learned German, I memorized the lexicon and orthographia, while now the English kin and influence hon book on Jesus Rubio better syntaxis and rewrites.

The Basque must lose the trash and the garbage. Does the Basque need a healthy drenai to burn and a decent and airy yield to the thoughts of the Basques?

That's how it is. The Twelve Gods of the Basque Olympo, of which Zeus is a pioneer, want it so that it means that we want it, we gods, gods who are the masters of the Basque language. It is our responsibility, not anyone else’s.

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Eta eromenaren lorratzetan dantzatu ginen

Inoren Ero Ni + Lisabö
Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.


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