Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Argentina kicks the poor against the poorest

  • In the autumn, violent deaths have increased in Argentina, as in Buenos Aires itself in remote provinces. In addition to the only police, the dead are political militants, indigenous or occupied citizens. Police, trade unionists, hitmen, right-wing extremists... and other poor people have become involved in the aggressors.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Martín Caparrós, who in his book Una Luna has written a very intense chronicle of today’s world migrations, just replied to a journalist when asked about the events in Buenos Aires: “The most heartbreaking thing has been to see the poor fighting – with batons, bullets, fire – against the very poor, and the disdain of the state, because the authorities preferred not to intervene and then to blame the adversaries.”

No more images have arrived in Europe than the clashes that took place in the Villa Dalli Park in Buenos Aires. However, many are denouncing the social emergency. The Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel has baptized in the Alainet site Xenophobia, discrimination and silent genocide that takes place in Argentina. The leftist sociologist Alcira Arguments contextualizes the facts in the analysis of Argentina: Symbólicas Deaths, which can be read in its entirety in Spanish in the site Sin Permiso.

On October 20, the gorillas of the Unión Ferroviaria union killed the 23-year-old communist activist Mariano Ferreyra and left the mother of seven children, Elsa Rodríguez, 56, in a coma. It happened near the Avellaneda station in Buenos Aires. The clashes broke out when people working on railway subcontracting called for a strike, and when the official union sent people from Argentina to call themselves “patota”.

The neoliberal model has also made gallant picardies among Argentine workers in recent years. To begin with, three-quarters of workers between the ages of 18 and 29 are either unemployed or working in black or outsourced without any form of social protection.Mariano

Ferreyra was one of the young people persecuted against precarious conditions. The son of a teacher, from a very young age, was working in mechanical workshops but had also begun to study history; he was also said to be dedicated to music, playing the organ. He was a Labor Party activist.

In the same month of October, other deaths were reported in the province of Misiones. In the city of Apóstoles, two-year-old Héctor Díaz and 15-month-old Milagros Benítez in Monte Carlo died of hunger. They weren’t the only ones because of their prominence. The local authorities recognize that child malnutrition is widespread. The heads of companies that have made investments in industrial agriculture in the region hire landless farmers in a few months, otherwise it is neither labor nor money.
On November 16, it was reported that 7-year-old Ezequiel Ferreira died of cancer caused by toxins from an industrial chicken coop. The Ferreira supposedly managed to escape the misery of Misiones when they were hired by the giant farm Nuestra Huella in the province of Buenos Aires.

As soon as they arrived they realized that their masters had them in greater misery: in order to pay off their debts and keep them daily, in addition to their father and mother, the children also had to work among the chickens. It is said that this is how hundreds of families are doing in 70 farms, with all their relatives trapped in the trap, unable to escape, without anyone’s support. One and a half million children under the age of twelve are currently employed in Argentina as servants of large crop corporations and industry. If only Charles Dickens could have turned it on...

Millions of unprotected people in detail

On November 23, in the province of Formosa, the private guards and police of the Celia family wanted to open a road there with force. The governor took the land from the people of Qom or Toba to build the university and houses for the police. The Tobans stopped traffic on the road. A policeman was killed by the locals during the road fights. In revenge, Roberto López and Sixto Gómez were shot dead.

If someone lives in Argentina, the excluded are the natives. In addition to the destruction they suffered during the 20th century, the last fields and forests have been lost in recent decades. In the case of the Tobaños, most of them now live in urban huts and in provinces such as Formosa, the last indigenous people are unable to survive in the face of speculators who want to use their land for construction, but above all to grow transgenic soybeans on huge farms.

But the most serious incident of this autumn in Argentina, which has reached us in commemoration of the forgotten events mentioned above, took place on December 7 in Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood of Villa Gorrí. On that day, police shot and killed 22-year-old Paraguayan Bernardo Salgueiro and 28-year-old Bolivian Rosemary Churapuña, leaving 30 more seriously bleeding.

These deceased aliens were crushed with hundreds of others in the American Indian Park – not a joke – unable to rent a better home with their meager profits. Claiming dirt, noise, insecurity, etc., the inhabitants of Villa Soldati demanded their expulsion.

But the deaths would not end there. With Cristina Kirchner from the Peronist party and the opposition Mauricio Macri, the main leader of Buenos Aires, each took her police out of the park and left the park unchecked. The situation continued to harden and several residents of Villa Soldati, union thugs and hooligans who mobilize around the football teams, attacked the residents of the park in collusion. The murder of 38-year-old Bolivian Juan Castañeta Quispe is a sure thing, and witnesses say that another 19-year-old boy was taken to death by an ambulance, who is missing today.

“Here is the other cruel irony of these deformed acts: it was December 10, International Human Rights Day.” And he summarizes the causes of the deaths that occurred in Argentina in two short months: the demand for decent working conditions, the work of servitude, the work of children, the theft of land to indigenous people, the lack of residency, the contempt for immigrants...

The crushing of its indigenous citizens is the most recent colonized country like Argentina. On the other hand, as we know in Europe the xenophobia against immigrants from Africa, Asia and America, in the European cities of Argentina, a similar phenomenon seems to occur with respect to the Indians who come to them from Bolivia or Paraguay.We Europeans could also see ourselves in the confrontation that led to the murder of

Mariano Ferreyra. The neoliberal upheaval has also led here to the precarization of jobs, to the proliferation of poverty, to the fragmentation of workers in very different living conditions.

Here, as in Argentina, young people have no alternative but to accept unemployment or shameful contracts. Villa Gorri could happen tomorrow in Barakaldo .

Oier Sanjurjo
“D eredua bultzatzen eta ikastolen nortasuna zabaltzen ahaleginduko naiz”

Nafarroako Ikastolen Elkarteak lehendakari berria du. Oier Sanjurjok hartu dio lekukoa Elena Zabaleta Andresenari.  Beste zazpi kide izanen ditu alboan Sanjurjok.

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Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.


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