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In the final of a good level Estiballes a notch higher

  • The youth of the final and the open road to the cap were obvious at the BEC, in front of 4,200 spectators, when the eight finalists took the stage: Etxahun Lekue, Arkaitz Estiballes, Beñat Ugartetxea, Jone Uria, Peio Ormazabal, Miren Amuriza, Oneria Enbeita and Eneko Abasolo “Abarkas”. Without the previous champions playing in the final, and with five new finalists out of eight, there was a fear that they would reach a certain level. But the bertsolaris said after the session that the final was “a little more than worthy” and that they gave “a higher level than valid”.
Dani Blanco
At 5:30 p.m. we darkened the lights and saw the photo montage of the tournament on the big screen of the stage (regional tournaments, eliminations, semifinals...). People applauded when they saw the bertsolaris of their regions, their favorites... It was an ideal way to warm up the atmosphere, so it was exciting to remember the road before reaching the final. In fact, with the end of the regional championships before the summer, the autumn began to be held by the Biscayan bertsolaris.

Stiballes a little higher than the others
Estiballes made a program without errors, and in order to do all the work, he got the biggest bite out of the prison, answering the question “you have found a phone number in the jacks dressed when the cold comes”: “I’ve been in jail for four years and I’ve been sick this year. That’s why a judge suspended me./I'm confined in Paris, / against my mind living here. / And I have cold hands. Put your hands in the mat and see what comes out. / Two CNI cops gave it to me a long time ago. / ‘If there’s a problem, man, / you can calmly call here.’ / That's what they told us. “I was arrested,” he said. Here's how he got the second one: “A long time ago I was on the street but I was very optimistic: / behind me always comes some car by accident. What a joke today: / A C4 and two Ford Mondeo, / stubborn behind me. / I picked up the phone and called the number quickly. A sweet voice from the other side: ‘Ministry of the Interior’. / And I said: ‘I am Iurrebaso, / perhaps you know me.’ / ‘Now it’s time, sir.’ “No one put in.” And the third: “From behind a man said to me: “Give me that phone.” It is not Basque, but it is good Basque. / ‘That phone is burned, / and don’t call it that anymore. / Don’t become a nuisance. / But even this new process, it's stuck there, / and we think you're important right there too. / In two weeks again in Geneva, / now as it was four years ago, / go to this address, / and we will meet there.’” The

rest also fulfilled their need well, sometimes a little better, sometimes a little lower. Yes, in their own style, which one: In Etxahun Lekue collect and collect the points, in all the exercises, in a direct and fresh technique; Miren Amuriza, in sweet bertsomolde, reaching the hearts of the public; Oneria Enbeita, beautifully involved in her role in the sessions of the trade; Beñat Ugartetxea, in the role of cystic bertsolaris, in the singing of the square; Jone Uria, in the informal incisors; Peio Orma-Casa, in the interior and in the years of Natural Gurma-Solo, showing her work.

The best specimens

After singing the initial greetings, the scoring session came. Estiballes and Lekue started the big eight exercise well, in the role of immigrant Basque language students, without risking too much, in order. The two of them had fulfilled their original purpose; they wanted to begin the program with confidence, without making any mistake, and without contradicting each other, by singing to both of them, they managed to begin with confidence, and to give the rest of the bertsolaris a path of confidence.

The highlight is the session of Lekue and Uria in the exercise of the small octave. It is said that they were dismissed by their friends because of their separation, and when they found themselves in the same discotheque for a few hours, Jone Uría came inciting: “Lawfully in the old days, I come to ask:“I’m sorry, you are too, aren’t you?” Etxahun Places followed by: I love you as a lover.” Uriah had a nice outing once again in verse three: “A good second part, how not to expect it, / after the first one came out so bad.” While Ormaetxea and Estiballes were playing the role of seniors in need of sonotone, Estiballes made the most of his voice, rising up when he spoke words that his friend wanted to hear, and falling down when he said words that his friend would not like. Ormaetxea had a nice outing, answering what he wanted to hear. We have already said that Enbeita was involved in her role in the trades, leaving a beautiful final point, for the case, from the mouth of the one who for years had been digging a hole to escape from prison: “Even if I finish my sentence before the hole, / I want to dream about the sun here.” In the exercise of

the Little Ten, the highest number of points were distributed in the trade carried out by Uria and Estiballes. They beckoned from the stage to Fredi Paia and his friends, both of whom are also singing. The sites also performed a decent exercise from top to bottom on the role of the doctor who was going to spend Christmas Eve at work. Enbeita was a separated father in this exercise, who had visited his son Ormaetxea, and Enbeita curated a convincing speech: “Don’t mention any kustodia accounts here today, / because that’s complicated for kids. / Throw things away, my son, on purpose. “I need you to overcome my anger, whether you like me or not, your father.” With the exception

of one or another escape in response to the point, beautiful specimens were also heard. To praise, in his own style, the one left by Beñat Ugartetxea. “For how many years did you start in verse?” the speaker exclaimed and: “dreaming of bigaz or sleeping, / with five with my father milking cows at the block, / with these back in the txosnas many times”.

Estiballes and Lekue stood out in their solo works, both singing in the melody “The Dust of the Stars”. The first one was singing to the first car found in the desert. Here’s how he curated the most punctuated verse of the session: “I need a retrovisor and we’re going to get rid of it, / getting there to a point, the eyes have gone straight: / aiba is there Opel Corsita, / as pretty as ever, / and I’m starting to get excited. / Remembering the party, how we were walking. / But I pushed too hard, and of course the engine died. / He still has the Bilbao badge, / ta ‘Nuclear? Not the sticker. “I started to remember how happy I was.” It is important to highlight the bertsolari’s capacity for descriptions and to bring references to verses, often turning them into rhymes.

On the other hand, Etxahun Lekue, in front of the cupboard, spoke through the mouth of a little boy, beautifully wrapped in paper. “I put on my pajamas and three or four big stuffed animals in my hand, / I tell my mother to go to sleep three or four times. / That's how many drawings on TV, / burruca, with that pool of blood, / there's a lot of categories. / I hear in the cupboard of feet a strange sound or two, / ta urruma, and that’s why I’m so hot with fear. / But that there are no ghosts, / And sleep the gaggle, / Dinosaur many children. “Then what is that?” and “What’s that?” I ask questions every day. / Expand and: there is nothing, he answers afterward. / But if anything is certain, / that’s why I’m scared. Will it be from there? / Every night I dream bad dreams, every night I wake up. / I wish I could see the exit somewhere else. / From there at the hour inside, / I must run from here. “I’m going to bed like Dad always.” Miren Amuriza and Jone Uria also did a nice exercise, answering the questions with originality.

In the head-to-head version, Lekue and Estiballes made a beautiful gesture to Kristina Mardaras and Justo, who are well known by the bertsolaris, singing from the mouths of the fans who go to the tournament sessions with their notebook in their hands. The two singers were as close as the audience.

The awards ceremony was also emotional: a video of thanks to those who had worked on the basis of their hands, wearing a hat, the verse of “Father Luis”, offers, tears, smiles, hugs...
Arkaitz Estiballes
«Hurbiletik kantatuta asmatu neban»
Txapela jantzi eta biharamun iluntzean, Arkaitz Estiballesen hurreko lagunartera bildu gara, harekin hitz batzuk trukatuta txapelketaren, finalaren zein bertsolaritzaren inguruko gogoeta batzuk batu guran. Bazkaloste goxoa luzatuta lasai zeuden Arkaitz, umeak, hurrekoak… ganberroenek ekarritako konfeti artean. Berbetarako tartea ostu diogu, aparteko mahaitxoan.

Finaleko momentu hunkigarriez galdetu eta hiru ekarri dizkigu: lehenengoa, hasi aurretik ikasle izandako Peio Ormazabal hartu eta oholtzara eraman zuenekoa, bertan elkarrekin eserita elkarrekin bizi izandako unea berezia izan zen, seguruenik, bientzat; bigarrena, buruz burukora Etxahun Lekuerekin pasatu zenekoa; izan ere, elkarrekin entrenatu dute, eta sarri-sarri kantatzen dute “buruz buru”; hirugarrena, noski, txapela jantzi ziotenekoa. Luis Baraiazarrak txapela jantzi zionean atzera begira jarri ere jarri zela aitortu digu Arkaitzek. “Aita Luis” bera askotan izan du epaile, eta nolabait, bertsotan egindako bidea gogoratu zuen Arkaitzek. Asko hunkitu da Arkaitz prentsako argazkiak ikusita, une politak bizi izan zituen BECen.

Sortzeko momentuetan sufritu egin bazuen ere, oholtza gainean gozatu egin zuela diosku Arkaitzek, asko hitz egin zuela kantukideekin, jendea ikusi egin zuela: lagunak, aita-ama… eta gainerakoen bertsoak ere entzun zituela.
Zertan asmatu zuen eta “hurbiletik kantatu nebala, horretan asmatu neban” diosku. Kartzelako gaian hurreko gaiari kantatu ziola, eta horrek istorioa eraikitzen lagundu ziola. Une batzutan, baina, erreferentziak egiterakoan, dudak ere izan omen zituen (Fredi Paiaren lagunak aipatzean, kasurako; zein Bizkaiko Bertsozaleen artean hain ezagun diren Kristina Mardaras edo Justo aipatzean…); hala ere, haiei omenaldi modukoa egin izanaz gainera, horrek lagundu egin ei zion bertsotan ondo sentitzen, plazan kantatuko balu legez aritzen saiatu baitzen. Izan ere, Arkaitzek bera ez dela txapelketazale dio, formatu txikian, 40-60 laguneko bertso-afarian, berbarako, askoz erosoago sentitzen dela.

Pena bat ere izan zuen finalean, ordea: txapelketetako finaletan zein bestelako saioetan bertsolagun izandako Fredi Paia finalean egon ez izana. Belaunaldi aldaketen auziarekin lotu dugu gaia. Gazteak finalera salto egitea ondo dago, ondo egindako lanaren fruitua ere bada; bestalde, aurreko belaunaldiek bertan egoteari eustea ere garrantzitsua den aldetik, badauka alde negatiboa ere. Arrisku bat ere bada: txapelketarako euren burua “zahar” ikustearren txapelketan kantatzeari uztea. Arkaitzen ustez, “ona da belaunaldi batek eustea”.

Finalean bertsolari gazteek babes handia izan zutela ikusleengandik, eta oso eskertzekoa dela hori komentatu digu Arkaitz Estiballesek. Dena den, babes hori, bereziki gero, plazetan, eman behar zaiela bertsolari gazteei, horixe aldarrikatzen du berak. Azken finean, bertan hezten dira, eta bertan hobetzen dute.

Txapelaz gainera, bertsorik puntuatuena bereetako bat izan zen, 52 puntu jaso zituena, eta ordean 52 txakolin botila jasoko ditu. Horiekin zer egingo ote duen galdetu diogu. Gerora jakin zuela Beñat Ugartetxearen bertso batek (puntu erantzunekoak) berearenak beste puntu jaso zituela, baina Arkaitzek berak 52 puntuko bertso bi zituenez, saria hargatik jaso zuela. Beñaten bertsoa “antologikoa” iruditu zitzaiola eta botilen erdiak hari oparituko dizkiola dio.

Bizkaiko bertsolaritzaz ere galdetu diogu, ea nola ikusten duen. Berak Bizkaia bertsotarako gune naturaltzat duela dio, oso eroso sentitzen dela Bizkaiko plazetan, plazera dela harentzat Bizkaiko plazetan kantatzea. Gainera, kejatzeko motiborik ez omen du Arkaitzek: “Plaza kopuru dexentea deukot eta saio gehienak Bizkaian”.

Egunokin hainbat komunikabideri kasu egin eta ostean, bere bertso-panorama gehiegi ere ez dela aldatuko diosku, hainbat saio dituela, eta saioz saio, orain arte legez, duena ematen saiatuko dela.

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Eguneraketa berriak daude