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"The adherence to the strategic line is total"

  • Bilbao, 1963. He is a member of the Patriotic Left; Mayor of Elorrio (ANV-EAE). Studied Fine Arts. The art of possible politics is not the world, but he committed himself to the transformation of the Basque Country as a young man. “Many people ask me: “What are you going to repeat?” I tell them honestly that I am a faithful militant and that I will be where they ask me,” he tells us, referring to the upcoming elections.
Niko Moreno
Dani Blanco
We started talking about the municipal and provincial elections in May. However, the dialogue also reveals the new political situation opened up by the nationalist left since the launch of the Basque Country Standing Statement. This is the question of the peace or normalization process.

Do you see the possibility of the Nationalist Left (Unión) participating in the municipal and provincial elections?

At least we have that intention. Participation would be very important for us, as well as for the Basque Country. Competing on an equal footing for all parties would be beneficial and helpful to the process. At the moment, we must interpret the political situation from this perspective. We're working on it. However, there is still a long way to go for the elections. What worries us the most now is the correct orientation of the process. From the moment this is done, it will be easier to give a more fixed answer to this question.

Are we in the process of normalization?

The nationalist left aims to bring the Basque Country into a state of political-democratic normalization, that is, a scenario in which all rights are respected and all political projects are achievable. That would be the real normalized situation. When he launched the Euskal Herria declaration, he made the decision to do so, and in one way or another he speaks about the process in the political landscape. Although not all of the ingredients for the process are currently on the table, we all talk about the means that are being put in place to guide the process. The Patriotic Left departed alone, and then other agents came: EA, Aralar, Alternative... EAJ, PSE and PP, with their nuances, are also looking in some way at the possible scenario that is spreading. Technically, although we are not in the process of peace and/or normalization, we all carry in our backpack the ingredients to make the way.

Professor Mario Zubiaga has commented on the pages that “elections are a huge distortion in the processes”.

They could be, but it can also be an illustrative component. Elections will, of course, be distorting if the political actors do not read them properly. If the role of the parties turns the elections into a stronghold, they could be distorting. However, if we look at the process or the Basque Country, they should be enlightening. Of course, it is essential to be able to have all the options in the elections for this, so that only political movements could be articulated in one sense or another. Of course, if we think of “let’s stop the possible process and then the future” under the pretext of the elections, the elections could be to confuse the situation. We want elections to clarify the situation, because the moment that is opened now is important for all of us to put our ideas on the table.

The new process of the patriotic left began in Altsatsu. What has the journey entailed since then?

The Patriotic Left went into a constructive phase, we are now in the working phase. The political atmosphere was very shaken, both in relation to the interior of our house and in relation to the other aspects. It brought illusion. The feeling that I have, in general, is that the optimism in society has increased, that the illusion that exists now is greater than it was a year ago. The perception of the political situation is not frustrating, otherwise we have placed the conflict in the parameters of opening new doors, in illusory parameters.

Speaking of direct and artistic elections: Can the new NaBai be formed with the Union or with the patriotic left?
It could be completed. Agreeing on a formula in Navarre should be possible if we really think that there are conditions for change in Navarre. If the nationalist left has made an offer, it should be able to go beyond the acronyms of the parties.

Uxue Barkos says that the Union wants to break the NaBai.

I believe that we should go beyond the personal wishes of the parties and the independents, and I do not say that in order to spread false expectations. We have to give up the prejudices, we don’t want to break the NaBai. Our proposal is sincere, the nationalist left wants to influence, not in NaBai, but in Navarre.

Iñigo Urkullu says that “he will not give the patriotic left a runway to land.”

It is curious that the PNV uses this veto right again and again. Our proposal is not to inject the PNV, but because it provides opportunities for change in Navarre. The proposal was made to NaBai. What Will He Do? Well, he'll have to make the decision. The EAJ wants to work with Aralar or EA in Navarre and not in the Basque Country. Aralar presented himself at the time with the EU in the UAE and Navarre with others...


To say that the XXI proposal is made with the intention of breaking anything is too serious. These are readings that are done to keep them in the strongholds. In Navarre, the possibilities for change must be studied from a high perspective. The Patriotic Left does not impose any preconditions in view of the acronyms, but proposes to give a final impulse to the accumulation of forces in the face of this concrete political situation. If we really believe that change is possible in Navarre, this document is our contribution; but not to make room for anyone, but because the project of our people has to go through it.

Do you expect ETA to respond to the signatories of the Brussels Declaration and the Gernika Convention?

Oh, yeah, yeah. I hope and I hope, because we have made that request. Our appeal to ETA is a clear indication of the will of the patriotic left. It’s also important to be hopeful and hopeful. The request is correct because so far ETA has taken important steps. Although the contributions he has made are “insufficient” for some, we say that he has made contributions in a concrete and very valuable direction. We have the hope and confidence to be waiting for these answers. Now we can’t lose patience and set deadlines for ourselves.

You said “insufficient” contributions. “Not enough” for the nationalist left to not be in the elections.

Yes, some are putting up that barrier. We, on the other hand, are doing our homework without waiting for this or that to happen. Some say that “if it is not for January, it will be late to be in the elections”, but how can they say anything if they do not know what can happen in January? It looks like they've got the barrier under the table and when you take a step, they'll pull out another barrier: “Now this one has to be overcome, so another barrier...” We have every confidence that ETA will respond in the right direction to the Declaration of Gernika and the Declaration of Brussels, what we do not know is when. If he does it soon it will be a good sign, but even if he does it later, I don't think it will be a worse sign.

Brian Currin is on the lips of many agents in the last round. For some it has a vital role, for others it is underestimated.

The role and presence of Brian Currin is very important. He is an expert and experienced person, trained in this type of initiative, he is a very important actor: he and the signatories of the Brussels Declaration have placed the conflict in the international landscape and divided responsibilities. Among other things, he has pressed “pressure” among all the actors and distributed household chores, not only on one side. It has also placed the conflict in political parameters. It has greatly expanded the urgency of the interviewed political process for the resolution of the conflict. It has not been compared to the discourse that one side or the other makes, it is somehow in the middle. “You can come here,” he says, “if the solution is going to come, you have to come from here.”

Also said by Urkullu: “It is up to the Basque Parliament to verify, not to some international auditors.”

That's putting up another barrier. The request so far was “verifiable and definitive” of ETA’s fires. That was the barrier. If it were to be overcome now, “no, no, it is up to Parliament to be verifiable.” I don't understand. It is difficult for this Parliament to have this competence. Should Parliament intervene? I don't know, but being exclusive isn't understandable. We have to get rid of the habit of putting up such obstacles, we have to make positive readings. If ETA made such an offer, it would be right to accept it in a positive sense. Let’s start by looking at what ETA says. In fact, the nationalist left has no representation in Parliament. Why is that? Does it have to be verified by a forum where we do not have representation?

Jesus Christ is another name. What do you think of his attitude?

It can be said that Egiguren has maintained a coherent line. In his letter to Patxi Lopez, which he had filmed, he said, “Let’s start taking steps.” Egiguren makes an extensive and in-depth reading about the situation in the Basque Country, made with a prospective projection. Then, when he says that ETA's statement will come before Christmas... I'm not going into that. It's their perceptions, I don't know anything about it. It is also necessary to measure the media from which the messages come. There is something significant: when he started this, he was and still is the president of the PSE. It would be interesting if their perspective was broader in the PSE.

Do you see a fracture ratio in the Patriotic Left?

No, absolutely not. The nationalist left has arrived at this moment very cohesive. He’s been through red times, the process has been hard, the conditions have not been good. It is only necessary to remember all the obstacles that have come after the arrests of last October. This has resulted in internal cohesion rather than obstruction of the process. The commitment to this new strategic line is total, because it is constructive, innovative, and, as we have already said, it is exciting for this country.

Do you see any proportion of the rupture between the patriotic left and ETA?

It's not like that either.
AHTren proiektua laster Elorrion

AHTren proiektua nola doa Elorrion?

AHTri buruzko herrian eraman dugun politika informazioan oinarrituta izan da. Jendeari helarazi diogu informazioa, eta jendea lagundu dugu bere eginbide guztietan. lur desjabetzeak izan direnean, errekurtsoak planteatu direnean. Udala afektatuekin zuzenki aritu da. Udalbatzaren joera, eta ni alkate bezala AHTren proiektua ez laguntzea izan da, inposatutako obra delako. Gure herrian itzelezko eragina izango du AHTk, ez herri kaskoan baina bai ingurunean.

Afektatutako lurjabeen erreakzioa nolakoa izan da?

Proiektua pixkanaka gauzatzen doa, eta horrek eragin handia du: lurjabeek eta herritarrek orobat Amurrion ikusten dute egiten jada, Abadiñoko obrak ere bai. Atxondo, Elorrio eta Bergarako zatia dago oraindik definitu gabe, zundatzeak hasi dira baina lanak hasi gabe daude.

Lurjabeak hasieran kontra zeuden baina denborarekin makurtzen joan dira. ADIFek (Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias) erabilitako taktika “zatitu eta bentzutuko duzu” izan da. Lurjabe bakoitza banan-bana jo dute, eta azkenean lortu dute jabeek baimena ematen joatea, pixkanaka ailegatu dira akordioetara eurekin. Gatazka luzea izan da. Tentsio handia zegoen legealdi hasieran, baina tentsio galtzen joan da, jabeak amore ematen joan baitira. Horrek kontrako jarrera mantentzen duena ahuldu egiten du.
Niko Moreno
"Kalean beste alderdiak ezker abertzalearekin batera normaltasunez agertzea oso garrantzitsua da"
Elorrioko alkate Niko Morenorekin (ANV-EAE) bake eta normalizazio prozesuaz eta datozen hauteskundeez egin du berba ARGIAk. Datorren astean kaleratuko den elkarrizketaren aurrerapena da hau.

Zer balantze egiten duzu legealdiaz?

Legealdia oso mediatizatua izan da. ETAk su-etena bertan behera laga zuen unean, baita ANVren ilegalizazioa izan zenean ere. Egoera politikoa nahaspilatu egin zen eta horrek ondorio gogorrak ekarri zizkion ezker abertzaleari. Udaletako errealitatea zaildu egin zen eginkizun politikoak aurrera eramateko. Dena dela, Elorrioko udal lanetan emaitza baikorrak lortu ditugu.

Nola ikusten dituzue datozen maiatzeko Foru eta Udal hauteskundeak, ezker abertzalearen egungo egoeratik?

Hauteskundeei begira guk hauxe esaten dugu: gero eta denbora gutxiago geratzen da, baina une honetan oraindik oinarrizko edukietan jardun behar dugu. Orain arte egindako ibilbidea eta emandako urratsak akordio estrategikoen ildoan izan dira, Gernikako Akordioa da horren emaitza. Gutxieneko demokratikoak adostea eta hainbeste eragile politiko ipintzea horien inguruan ados jartzea oso garrantzizkoa da.

Hauteskundeetan nola itzulikatuko den hori? Oraindik ez dakigu, subjektu elektoralak finkatu gabe daudelako. Nafarroan oraindik hor dago osatzeko. EAEn ez dakigu oraindik nola formulatuko den. Ezker abertzalearena da botila hutsik agertzen den aldea.

Artean, azpimarratu nahi dut ezker abertzalearentzat oso garrantzizkoa izan direla kaleko presentzia eta azken aldian izan diren manifestazioak, bai torturaren aurkakoak, bai hauteskundeei begira egindako agerraldiak. Kalean gu bakarrik ez egotea, beste alderdiak ezker abertzalearekin batera normaltasunez agertzea eta aritzea oso garrantzitsua da. Euskal gizartearentzat, ezker abertzalea EA, Aralar, Alternatiba –eta batzuetan EAJrekin– egotea, errebindikazioak elkarrekin plazaratzen ikustea baikorra da. Zentzu horretan jendarteari indar metaketa edota polo subiranistaren kokapen fisikoa eta bisuala zein den transmititu nahi diogu.

Gizarteak sinetsi behar du sukaldeko lana egiten ari garela, akordio zabala egiteko aukera dagoela, baita akordio bat baino zer edo zer sakonagoa ere bai. Hauteskundeak hor daude, eta guk parte hartzeko arrazoiak jarri ditugu mahai gainean.

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Eguneraketa berriak daude