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Dispersing the Horizons

Concetta Probanza
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
It is fascinating to applaud with words in the heart of three people. We can give well together the three of us; from time to time we can come out of the trio to express great joy to our partner; we can calm ourselves by going out and entering, and we can delight ourselves by looking at the beautiful flying powders of the other two confreres. You can walk away whenever you want, without hurting the other two confreres, like now:

by William A. The anthropologist Douglass and Professor Jon Bilbao curated the history of the Basques in the Americas. In the book Los vascos en el nuevo mundo (1975), in seven sections: Basque Country; mercenaries, missionaries, sailors and merchants; pastors of South America; Basques in Spanish California; first Basques in New California; from California to there; Duration of ethnicity in Basque-Americans. Thirty-five years later, the Zinemira-Basque Cinema Panorama section hosted the premiere of the independent project in Basque, Americanua, on September 18 in San Sebastián. Directed by Gorka Bilbao (Gernika, 1974) and Nacho Reig (Teruel, 1969), Producciones Verde is produced by Pena Etxebarria, a small production company, and José Luis Barredo. The soundtrack for Americanuak is created by the Audience group. This is the fifth album from Guernica. Some Lovely Hands On Dry Skins (2001), Second Handed (2002), Trying Wings on Roots (2007) and A shake in calm water (2009) preceded. The book is there. Documentary here. Both are projects born with the desire to write the stories of the Basques of the community of Elko (Nevada), which is the part of the Basque diaspora in the world that unites them.

Nothing else resembles books and documentaries, but both are beautiful ways to bring to light the lost roots of the history of the Basques in the West of the United States of America. What I’ve written doesn’t have much to do with the last two ttaku that Beñat and Ana have given, does it? To clap with words between three people is something fascinating: with the fine edges of the word you enter between the four walls of wood that is the world and appear outside the world while illuminating the love game of the other two; to make the wood sound like iron, and to beat the ttakuna to the left and to the right to warm up the three, happy. You can even approach it again whenever you want, without hurting the other two confreres, like now: Ortzemugak In The Eyes is a new album by the Gernika group Ken 7. Beñat referred to this group with a sharp blow. The Audience group is also innately urinary. Egoitz Pomares has been in production for Audience’s latest musical work and has spent a few days in London. The residences themselves recommended me the documentary Americanos, to see and to see and to listen and to listen. And so we did, seeing and hearing in an emotional way, we were all in Room 9 of Príncipe looking at each other, seeing and hearing how the Basque shepherds of Elko have formed a horizon that is about to disappear, listening and seeing the bird steps of music in the snowy horizons. And while I still didn’t know that Ana was going to write “Standing on a Fringe, It Doesn’t Make the World a Single End,” I began to clap my hands at the end of the film, slowly, like rainbows defeated by loneliness.

2010ko azaroaren 14a
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