Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Location of Makulu

The friend who shows the harp to the unicorn, while we were talking about the banya of Bengal, Ficus benghalensis, has asked me the question: how could a single tree extinguish 20,000 square meters? For starters, being awesome. And in sequence, building growth that never ends. The trick of the tree: the roots that will expand the branches and stretch the roots from top to bottom from time to time, stick them when they reach the ground and will be crutches to further expand the branch. These root crutches are called pillar roots. The column will not only support the branch, but will also replenish the food, the branch will grow and stretch as desired, and the tree will reach an impressive width.

At this time I see other trees, including the fig trees here, Ficus carica, but especially the apple trees, Malus x domestica. In years of apples like this one, the branches of the apple trees carry a huge load of apples and if they weren’t helped they would fall apart and crack. Like the one with the broken bowl of his knee, he must give crutches to the loaded apple tree. The branch is subjected to pimples in order to hold it without breaking it and then to have a way to collect the apple under it. Being only for containment, the branch of the apple tree will not expand much more, if it were fed from the charcoal it would be the cider of the other barrel. The chestnut (Castanea sativa), the halza (Alnus glutinosa), the hazelnut (Corylus avellana), is made with what is available, but needs an inherent hairpin that gives birth to a branch and divides into two. The cane, for example, is not suitable for crutches. For being a reed of the species of whatever—the reed itself, Arundo donax, or bamboos, Bambusa sp. etc.- it will not have a shock and cannot be used for containment work. For other jobs, however, the cane is unique. For example, they are used for scaffolding structures in those territories of the giant banya. Great for holding houses on 40 floors or amazing shapes.

The Little Speed Pavilion, which was a concentration camp in 1936, will be maintained in Irún
At Irun Train Station, the Little Speed Pavilion at the back of the Customs Building will continue to stand as a witness to the terrible post-war seclusion system of 1936, as a result of the erasure of memorialist groups. The pavilion was used by the Francoists from 1936 to 1942... [+]

Harassment and Retaliation of a Teacher
The UPV confirms that it has received several formal complaints and that it has activated the protocol against gender violence
The Rectorate Group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), in its note to LA LUZ, specified that "from the moment it became aware of the allegations against the professor of Hispanic Philology, the procedure defined by the protocol is in progress". Five anonymous... [+]

Children who ingest tobacco smoke have similar traces of active smokers in their DNA.
The Barcelona Institute of Global Health has investigated the health problems that smoking tobacco smoke can lead to, even if you are not a smoker, and has shown that it leaves dangerous traces in children’s DNA.

Netanyahu threatens war if prisoner exchange does not take place on Saturday
"If Hamas does not return our hostages before noon on Saturday, the ceasefire will end and the army will fight hard until Hamas is defeated," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after the Palestinian group's decision to temporarily postpone the prisoner exchange.

2025-02-12 | Euskal Irratiak
Marieniako lurren aldeko militanteen epaiketa, irailaren 9ra gibelatua

Irailaren 9ra gibelatu dute Kanboko kontseiluan gertatu kalapiten harira, hiru auzipetuen epaiketa. 2024eko apirilean Kanboko kontseilu denboran Marienia ez hunki kolektiboko kideek burutu zuten ekintzan, Christian Devèze auzapeza erori zen bultzada batean. Hautetsien... [+]

Europe pledges to invest €200 billion in artificial intelligence
On February 10 and 11, a hundred heads of state met in Paris, together with representatives of the Artificial Intelligence sector, for the fourth summit on AI. Although there have been concerns and questions about this technology that is developing at high speed, it was not a... [+]

Yamili Chan Dzul. Emakume, indigena, prekarizatu
“Gure mugimenduak ahultzeko estrategiaren parte da emakumeak hiltzea”

Oinarrizko maia komunitateko U Yich Lu’um [Lurraren fruitu] organizazioko kide da, eta hizkuntza biziberritzea helburu duen Yúnyum erakundekoa. Bestalde, antropologoa da, hezkuntza prozesuen bideratzaile, eta emakumearen eskubideen aldeko aktibista eta militante... [+]

2025-02-12 | Iñaki Barcena
The silogism of the carpentry

The argument of a syllogism has three propositions, the last of which is necessarily deduced from the other two. It is with this deductive logic that I can analyze, for me, the long and traumatic socioecological conflict in Carpinteria that is taking place in Navarre.

The... [+]

Antzinako hegaztien gidaliburua

Poloniar ikerlari talde batek Sevillako Italica aztarnategiko Txorien Etxea aztertu du, eta eraikinaren zoruko mosaikoak erromatar garaiko hegazti-bilduma xeheena dela ondorioztatu du. 

Txorien etxean 33 hegazti daude mosaikoetan xehetasun handiz irudikatuta. Beste... [+]

The legacy of the depressed Despremu

I have recently worked in class on Etxahun Barkox’s beautiful and touching cobla. The bad guy! The afflictions of the house began because of the creation of the “praube with beauty”, but in seventeen years she had entered the sea of misfortune, having to abandon the girl... [+]

2025-02-12 | Edu Zelaieta Anta
Deprotection of overprotection

We have renewed the dialogue in the secretariat of the faculty, for the most auspicious: they are far away, for their enrollment, the times when only the students came. The trend has changed for a long time, and parents – most notably mothers – are taking an increasingly... [+]

Harreman publiko-komunitario-kooperatiboak eraikitzeaz

Gure lurraldeetan eta bizitzetan sortzen diren behar, desio eta ekimenen inguruan gero eta gehiago entzuten dugu harreman eta proiektu publiko-komunitarioak landu beharraz, eta pozgarria da benetan, merkaturik gabeko gizarte antolaketarako ezinbesteko eredua baita. Baina... [+]

Eguneraketa berriak daude