Assisted by Iepa Xabier. Do the session with the stratification technique. You need a container with holes where the water can go (the best of wood) and a mixture of sand of river and black earth (ratio 10-2). Put the sand, the walnuts, the sand, the walnuts... in layers in the bowl, put the sand thick to finish. Keep the container outside in a cool or cold place; do not drown but always keep the sand moist. Protect them from animals that would eat nuts with a net or whatever.
This technique is based on the fact that the seeds do not dry, and gradually assimilate the moisture that will help them to germinate in the spring. Pay attention to the germination, explain to them by then move on to the muintegri or the orchard, otherwise the roots and the envy of one and the other will be entangled.
We'll tell them...
Hello. You are advised to make a treatment with white cochineal plague tobacco. Can it be done with cigars or cigars, or does it have to be grass? In what proportion? And finally, I've bought larvae from black-haired grandmothers, because I've heard that they eat cochineals and... [+]