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More anti-social reforms in autumn

  • The time has come for reforms that will affect retirement and public health, as well as IRPF and unemployment benefits. One more stone, the labour reform imposed by the financial markets to reduce the public deficit, the fall in the salaries of civil servants, the increase in VAT or the freezing of pensions.
Krisiaren doikuntzak
The adjustments to the crisis launched a few months ago by the “financial markets”, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, ostensibly to reduce the public deficit, have only begun. The labour reform, the reduction of public employees’ wages, the increase in VAT, the freezing of pensions, which will begin next year, and the suspension of certain public investments have already been implemented. However, all this is not enough for the financial “wolves” and they are demanding more adjustment measures to be able to receive debt compensation with interest. That is why, as always, it is time to take more measures that will affect the most vulnerable. From now on and throughout the autumn, we will be fully involved in the reform of retirement, and it is also possible to initiate reforms that would affect the public health sector, which could be subject to co-payment, IRPF and unemployment benefits.
To denounce these “adjustments” and reforms, mobilizations and two general strikes have been carried out in the Basque Country, one in the French State that affected the citizens of the North on June 24, and the other on June 29 in the Southern Basque Country, convened by the patriotic trade union majority and the CCOO. On September 29, another general strike has been called by the CCOO and UGT in the Spanish state.

Retirement at age 67 and higher contribution

One of the main and most serious reforms to be approved is the one that is already being negotiated in the so-called Treaty of Toledo, made up of the government, political parties, bosses and trade unions: the question of retirement. So far, the official retirement age has been 65 years, although the real average for the Spanish state is 62 years, since there have been many early retirement processes since 52 years, especially in public companies and banking. In order to be able to retire and receive a minimum pension, a minimum contribution of 15 years was required. Now, according to the reform that is being discussed in Toledo, the workers want to retire at the age of 67, that is, to continue working for another two years. They also want to increase the number of years they have to work in order to retire and receive a minimum pension from 15 to 20.

Reduce unemployment benefits

Among the measures that are being considered to reduce the deficit after 2011 and that can be taken into account in the budgets to be adopted at the end of September is the reduction of unemployment benefits. In 2010, the Spanish Government spent €30,612 million on unemployment benefits, nearly two-thirds of the expenditure it is expected to achieve by 2012 - €50 billion.
All indications are that the amount of the prizes will be reduced. Currently, the unemployed received 70% of the regulatory base during the first 180 days of the benefit and 60% from day 181 until the end of the benefit period. The intention of the Spanish Government is to reduce the amount from 70% to 60% in the first six months and to receive 50% of the unemployed from there. The maximum and minimum limits of the prize would remain the same: from 492 euros per month to 1,076.44 euros, as long as the unemployed person does not have children in his care.
It was also planned to abolish the aid of EUR 430 which was granted to unemployed persons who were left unprotected at the end of their 18-month regular benefit. This aid, which was introduced 12 months ago, has cost around EUR 600 million. However, this measure seems to raise doubts in the Government. For this reason, Labor Minister Corbacho, on June 28, said that the government “will strive to maintain above all others the support of 430 euros that is given to the unprotected unemployed.” In the end, the Spanish executive has decided to maintain this support.

Health and IRPF

The public deficit and, above all, the threats of the “financial markets” overwhelm the government and, therefore, the government is looking for where to put the scissors. Therefore, the public health sector has begun to talk about and analyze the possibility of “adjustment”. The possibility of co-paying for medicines has already been put on the table, as well as the possibility of starting to pay for the service, despite its scarcity – the payment of one euro of a visit to the family doctor has been
mentioned. It is also assumed that the NAF will also be adjusted. In this regard, the Secretary of State for Finance, Carlos Ocaña, said on June 28: “The Spanish government is considering a small, modest and very limited adjustment of the IRPF” for next year... Therefore, if they are considering it, this adjustment will also be carried out.
Mobilizazioak Ipar Euskal Herrian
Frantziako Estatuan krisialdi sozial ekonomiko eta finantzarioa ez da Espainiako Estatuan bezain larria. Dena den, defizit publikoaren murrizketak doikuntzak eragin ditu, Europako gainerako herrialdeetan bezalaxe. Aurten sektoreko lau greba orokor eta mobilizazio asko jasan behar izan baditu ere, Frantziako Gobernuak erretiroa eta pentsioak erreformatzeko asmoarekin aurrera egitea erabaki du. Halaber, beste neurri fiskal batzuk ezartzea aurreikusten du, Frantziako Gobernuaren erreformak Espainiako Gobernuarenak baino apalagoak izan arren. Erretiroei dagokienez, Frantziako Estatuan orain arte erretiroa hartzeko adina 60 urtetan zegoen. Erreformaren bidez, erretiroa hartzea bi urtez luzatu nahi dute, 62 urtera arte. Horrez gain, pentsioa jasotzeko urte gehiago kotizatzea eskatu nahi dute.
Frantziako Gobernuaren erabakiek berehala jaso dute sindikatuen erantzuna: milioika langile eta pentsiodun mobilizatu dituzte. Frantziako Gobernuaren administraziopean dagoen Ipar Euskal Herria ere eraso neoliberalari erantzuten ari da. Azken mobilizazioa ekainaren 24an burutu zen eta 10.000 pertsonako manifestazio arrakastatsua egin zen Baionan. Hil honetan eta hurrengoetan mobilizazio gehiago izango dira Iparraldean ere. Frantziako Estatu osoan greba orokor gehiago deitzea ez dute baztertu eta, orain artekoek bezala, ziur Iparraldean jarraipen handia izango dutela.

Frantziako Estatu Kontseiluak Palestinak irabaziko du Kolektiboaren desegitea onartu du

Okzitaniako Tolosako elkartea da aipatu kolektiboa eta Frantziako Gobernuak dekretuz desegin zuen 2022an. Orain Estatu Kontseilua gobernuaren erabakia egokia dela berretsi du.

Izan, badira salbuespen legeak, bai horixe!

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Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).


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