Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Txin-txin (Money Only)

According to data published by the Spanish newspaper Público on June 19, Upper Navarre is the fourth in the autonomous communities of Spain, with a per capita debt of 2,350, 20 euros, per superior Navarre. In Spain, the first is Catalonia (3.341 euros, 68 euros per inhabitant), the Balearic Islands, the second (3.208.43 euros), and the Valencian Community, the third (3.011.41 euros). The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country is far from the top positions in the ranking, as it is the eleventh, with a debt of 1,522.99 euros per inhabitant, although it is the one with the greatest increase in debt in the Spanish communities in the last year.

Statistics always have a real difference (numbers that seem objective, percentages, quantities...), and they always hide a varied reality, full of nuances, to which numbers can easily deceive.

In this matter of debt, for example, we can accept the numbers as they are, or ask several questions about the realities they have stored in the liver.

In our small domestic economy we know that debt is generated when we spend more than we acquire. We know where the revenues come from and how much they do, and if we are going to maintain the balance of our sodas, we have to analyze slowly where the outputs go.

Since the economy is always essential for things to go well, whether in a home or in the world, in the economies of our homes or in the people, the authorities should act in the same way – despite the difficulties added by the size of the economy – one of the basic conditions should be to clarify what the accounts are.

But, sadly, he rarely speaks clearly about them. At the expense of money, because they're big taboos. We don't count in public how much we earn. Believing that we earn a lot, or too little, we keep it a secret. Young people often grow up without knowing what the economic situation at home is, and even among friends we find it difficult to talk about these issues.

But usually silence only benefits fraudsters. For ordinary people and small economies, darkness is not rent.

The larger the economy, however, the darker it becomes, and it becomes increasingly difficult to know what is really going on with it.

And although everything that surrounds the coffers of the public fortune, which is made up of the sums of all, should be transparent, even if it is proclaimed that public affairs are governed in the name of democracy, greatness, or lack of clear stacurity and silence prevail over that which belongs to all.

The statistics that tell us something about public finances are mostly silent.

They tell us that we spend a lot more than we earn in high navarre. But they do not explain to us how those who govern us have spent, in our name, a fortune that is not ours. They silence the circuit of Los Arcos and the huge sports pavilion of Pamplona, the plots of Gendulain, the Sanfermin Museum and other loads that we do not know. They don’t say they’ve been subsidizing the purchase of 4X4 engines and vehicles for a proportion, rather than hiring enough staff to expand library hours. And above all, they do not mention here that the per capita income of workers is higher than that of employers when it comes to paying taxes. They haven't even said who should pay off the debt, because that's what they're not saying.

2025-02-27 | Gedar
Presoak gerrara bidaltzen jarraitzen du Ukrainako Gobernuak

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Arma nuklearren industria finantzatzen jarraitzen dute banku espainiarrek

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Bioaniztasunarentzako finantzamenduak kudeatzeko egitura bat espero dute Hego hemisferioko estatuek

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2025-02-26 | Euskal Irratiak
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2025-02-26 | El Salto-Hordago
Lanaren Ekonomia
Itunpeko eskolen gainkontzertazioaren aurka eta hezkuntza publikoaren aldeko borroka

Euskal hezkuntza sistemaren itunpeko eskolen gainkontzertazioa eta zentro pribatuen umeak hartzeko gaitasuna beherakada demografikoari eta biztanleriaren klase osaketari egokitu behar dira.

Bilboko kultur zerbitzuen pribatizazioaz hausnarketa partekatua sustatu nahi dute liburuzainek

Bilboko Udalak zerbitzu publikoak pribatizatzen jarraitzen duela salatu du Bilboko Liburuzainen kolektiboak, besteak beste, kulturari loturiko zerbitzuak. Horren harira, mahai-ingurua antolatu dute martxoaren 3an Bidebarrieta liburutegian, Kulturaren pribatizazioa izenburupean.

Iruñeko Geltokiko EKOmerkatuak bost urte beteko ditu larunbatean

Martxoaren 1ean ospatuko du NNPEK-k urteurrena argazki erakusketa eta txalaparta ikuskizun batekin.

Eguneraketa berriak daude