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What to quote

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
From the outside or from the inside, with commitment or involvement, just touching the dermis or even taking care of the epidermis, I have three friends, José Luis and Ixiar, who summarize the ideas that you have aligned in the previous weeks.

First: it is the inventor or the “inventory”. In the language of the street, “a madman.” His job is to invent things that don't exist. And he does two kinds of work: one, which helps him earn his salary, works as a researcher in a toy factory, designing new toys for Christmas. Even if it's a nice job, he thinks it's useless. “Also invest so much in toys that the kids will get rid of in a week...” he says. But well, he's on the research team at the plant, and as long as the plant goes on, he'll keep doing his job.

His other job, however, is outside of work hours: his job is to keep inventing; his passion is to get rid of toys and invent anything that comes to his mind. So far, he has been able to patent two new objects that have cost him a fortune. But he complains about all the other inventions that remain unpatented and unbreakable. Because he argues that they are as good as those that have been patented. “But if he who is above does not see, then he does not see. It’s time to wait,” he says with a notable touch of frustration.

The second is to put companies, innovation and culture to work for each other. That is, in order for companies to innovate, contact one or more artists and try to create new products. Well, these projects, being related to innovation, require the approval of the institutions that subsidize them and when the industry that we are accustomed to is for machines, they get full support but when it comes to changing sectors, it has encountered an impossible wall to cross. Even this friend, until I learned to see with other eyes, I heard him complaining that there are no tasks.

Third, it deals with communication in an organization. And he complains about the superficial vision that we want to give to the Basque Country with the “saboréalo” campaign to sell, that is, the tourist, and the public that has been defined as the target of the campaign: the internal rather than the external. It says a lot about our personality. How we have determined first, whether we have done it externally or internally to participate, and what the degree of involvement of each individual pushes us to be.

Three examples of how different professionals who are close to us experience participation and involvement. Seen from work. That is, the vision, the power, and the impossibility of those who dedicate themselves to it.

It’s a job, whether you earn your salary or not. And the criticisms, both the participations and the implications, are there to reverse all these disabilities. To turn things upside down...

The inventor knows he won't change the world in two years. The communicator knows that each government will make him change a slogan. And the promoter of innovation knows very well that he will spend the coming decades knocking on the doors of institutions. But they will try and every step forward will be a victory on the road to improvement.

Too late for some, of course. Because time and the passion for improvement are not, day by day, quoted on the stock market.

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