Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

“Why didn’t NaB happen? Because we don't have a solid foundation. Not for the moment."

In the next elections to the Basque Parliament, let’s say, the EA, the Union and Aralar can make a joint candidacy.


I mentioned the irreversibility of the decision just before. In fact, it is not known how far the paths that begin reach. I can hardly say anything at all.

Under the Political Parties Act, let’s assume that EA and the Union are united.

You never know that either. I can only say that at the moment in the Basque Parliament the parties that support the Government have less popular votes than those that oppose it. If we add to this the 100,000 thousand votes that were left out, it is evident who benefits and who harms the current situation.

Talking about the pole and the sovereign zone. Some distinguish between poles and zones, such as Pello Urizar from EA. Aralar doesn’t seem to like poles or sites, or at least he hasn’t been on the trail of the EA and the official patriotic left in the present. For what reason?

Ten days ago we met with the Union for the first time in the last four years. If this is the case, what kind of mutual work can be done with those who have not previously planned to meet with Aralar? Looking at the past. Looking to the future: will there be solid foundations? Will there be respect? Will there be a long-term perspective? And I’ll add this: there is no one left here. Here are some concrete forms of struggle.

With EA in Navarre yes, but not in EAE. Where is the indentation?

First, the question needs a long answer, because it is necessary to look at the historical trajectory of patriotism. For decades the leadership of patriotism has been carried out from the UAE. It was believed that what was decided for the Basque Country was also appropriate for Navarre, and even for the Northern Basque Country. This has been the practice of Basque patriotism, and this is also self-criticism, as I have been working on it.

When NaBai is born, even if it is born against the position of the UPN and the PSN – this is not the only reason, because it does not arise only to oppose the action of the local government in Navarre against the Basque language and Basque hobby – it arises because Basque nationalism has to work with approaches to Navarre to respond to its needs. This is very important to understand what NaBai is created for.

The NaSi is formed by consensus of a minimum. Among other things, with the opposite approach to ETA’s performance.
Not only is it possible in Navarre to collaborate with the patriots before the elections, but also in the North Basque Country. It was here that AB, EA and the Union created the EHBai platform. What do they both have in common? That they have solid foundations and that patriotism from their sphere is a desire to respond to the needs of their field.

Why didn’t that happen in UAE? Because we don't have a solid foundation. Not for the moment. Well, if the decisions that are made are maintained and developed, we can have them.

However, the need to understand patriotism from the UAE itself and looking here is not imminent. If we add to this that here patriotism has prevailed sociologically and in institutions until now, it is clear that here we are acting on other political parameters. That is, when the question “why is NaBai possible in Navarre and the Basque Country not?” is posed, first of all, what does the one who poses it pose? EAJ, Union, EA and Aralar go together? Is that what it is?

Secondly, what are you saying, that the conditions are being met today?

Third, is that positive? In the UAE? Should we abandon the left-right dialectic between nationalists in an area dominated by patriotism? Finally, patriotism must be carried out from the Basque Country to the Basque Country, and it must also be carried out in view of the peculiarities of the Basque Country, as is done in Navarre and the North.

I mean, the situation here is different. A solid foundation must be laid here, it must be maintained, and if we are to make our way – as is the case in the Basque Country among the Unionists – we must also develop a left-right dialectic among the Patriots.

Will NaBai continue to take the step that EA and Aralar have taken?

Why shouldn't I continue? Because EA and Aralar have taken the first step?

The abuse of authority by Aralar and EA in Navarre has been denounced by some sectors.

Well, in the agreement they have signed, there are ideological conditions and some strategies. Those who make it their own have participation. My confidence is that at least NaBai will complement those that exist now.

In the north, however, the EHBai platform did not perform very well in the final votes. The difficult attitude of EA. Outside the GV. The AB and the Union didn’t do their best.

They had asked for a vote to begin with and once, but they had to consider that the votes would not lead to practical consequences. And that's always a mistake. I believe that proposals must be made in a positive way and must be linked to the responsibilities and needs of citizens. And this is valid for the whole of the Basque Country. In the Northern Basque Country there was a strong moment around the demands of the Batu platform. But this did not take place and the tiredness has arisen. However, the last elections were short-lived and the EHBai will henceforth take its place.

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