Among those who attended the chain were Councilors Amaia Barrero and Miren Fernández de Landa, Councilors for Mobility and Public Space and Equality of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Both are the political leaders that the balcony of San Miguel, an emblematic place of the city, cannot be used by the feminist movement. A few days before March 8, the feminist movement asked the city council for permission to use it. In the denial report, however, they argued that "given the singularity and symbolism of the balcony, public address and action are not allowed, except for municipal activities or events". The descent of Celedon is celebrated on 4 August, and the Alavés and Baskonia have celebrated their victories there. The feminist movement has been banned from using it on its most important day in history.
After recovering the forces in the popular feminist and self-managed food that took place in the Plaza de Santa Barbara, the afternoon demonstration started among multiple demands. A space was reserved for those who are not at the head of the demonstration. Through posters with silhouettes, women who have died in recent years and the victims of the migration process in the Mediterranean were recalled. The caregivers and workers of the Alavese residences were also in the front line, and also had a major role in the act. Workers in Alavese residences are adhered to the State Convention, work almost 1,800 hours, do not charge EUR 1,000, and the majority are partial contracts.
The colloquium began from two balconies of the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca between the two feminists, one young woman and the other pensioner, under the gaze of thousands of people. They had a dialogue full of political demands and accusations. On the one hand, they claimed the need for "self-organization of women in feminism to face neoliberalism and savage individualism", and on the other, they demanded their "feminist strategy against ecological catastrophes, devastating war and land expropriation". Finally, they announced that they want to fight “in connection with our feminist sisters around the planet.”
The day ended precisely in the place the City Hall wanted to avoid. Several feminist activists placed a banner on the San Miguel balcony with the slogan "Organize forces, join the feminist struggle". Before, when the feminists denounced the attitude of the City Hall, the mayor, Gorka Uraran, was received aloud in the square of Txistu.
At the end of the act, and as I returned home in the midst of a heavy rainstorm, I reflected a year more than the feminist movement in the Alavesa capital has shown that it is strong, that it has a clear, transformative and radical agenda, and that it is not prepared to withstand the purple laundering of the institutions. The feminist movement in Vitoria-Gasteiz struggles from the periphery of Euskal Herria radically.
After a month, the feminists will take to the streets the day of working women. We have an annual appointment that we have organised and prepared enthusiastically every year. Last week we looked back at the Portugalete Assembly, remembering the feminist strikes of 2018 and... [+]
Azken urteetan mobilizaziorako gaitasunari dagokionez nabarmendu den mugimendurik bada, feminista da horietako bat. Bi urtez segidan, greba tresnatzat, martxoaren 8 arrakastatsuak burutu ditu; kapitalaren logikari bizitzarena gainjartzea exijitzeko, milaka emakumek lan orori... [+]
On February 2, 2018, the kazkaba through the streets of Donostia-San Sebastián with a loud noise. The Euskal Herria Feminist Movement calls for a feminist strike on March 8. This was a recognition of the struggle of the cigarreros of Tabakalera: dozens of women*, witnesses of... [+]
In studying economics, I've never seen the concept of strike, even though the link between them is very straightforward. The reason is obvious: economic power defines what the economy is. In the strike of women the invisibility is double, because the analysis is done with the... [+]
Ikusi dugu lehenago. Ekologismoa da adibide paradigmatikoa. Halaber, pink washing-a edo gaypitalismoa. Merkatuak gure borrokak irentsi, digeritu eta gorotz moduan produktu kapitalista bat iraizten digu, salmentarako prest, sistemari funtzionala egiten zaiona.
Hedabideek... [+]
I've experienced two feminist strikes. There have been only two, but I am already far away another 8 March, which gave us “congratulations”, which were shaped like flowers or chocolates, which invited you to remain the best home caretaker. It is not far in time, but it is in... [+]