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The LGTBIAQ+ movement denounces pink money laundering, medical and psychiatric violence and the Palestinian genocide

  • They fill the streets on LGTBI International Community Day. They denounce that the institutions wash their faces with symbolic gestures.

01 July 2024 - 12:12
Last updated: 13:17
Pertsona sexu genero disidenteen eskubideen aldeko manifestazioa Miarritzen (Lapurdi). Argazkia: Gehitu LGTBI+
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The streets of Euskal Herria have been filled with color and claims on June 28. Gora borroka transbibollomarika, Harro ez da pride and Genocide there is no pride in the streets of Euskal Herria. Multitudinous demonstrations have been held in several capitals and towns of Euskal Herria.Los members of the E28J platform of Pamplona have denounced that the struggle of the Cuirista movement "is commodification": "Pride is defended because it's not sold."

They add that LGTBI International Community Day is not enough to publish documents, paint public buildings with rainbow colours and photograph with symbols: "Institutions wash their faces with a couple of symbolic gestures." They have also denounced that pink money laundering is a "colonial violence" that originates from male violence. "Our struggle and history are being used to make up the ethnic massacre. They have built a fiction in which Israel is a civilized, open and inclusive country."

Bizkaia Coordinator E28 and Agent Queer Coalition for Palestine have joined in these demands: "Our liberation is linked not only to the liberation of the Palestinian caretakers, but also to the liberation of all Palestinians."

During the demonstrations, in addition to showing solidarity with the Palestinian people, numerous events have taken place in various parts of the Basque Country during the month. In Pamplona/Iruña, for example, the E28J platform has held a transfeminist colloquium on Palestine on 21 June.

In Pamplona/Iruña they have also discussed the violence suffered by transgender people: "We are transfeminists and anti-colonialists, and we suffer from a health system that is bodily and vital pathologies. We sell biomedical and psychiatric violence and we support the fight of crazy pride."

In Bizkaia, for example, they have long denounced in the Gender Identity Unit of the Hospital de Cruces the violation of the rights of trans people, questioning who deserves the attention and who does not, through fat postures and rejecting non-heterosexual people.

The threats have made it clear that the Civil Guard’s message is a threat: "In the face of totalitarianism, we demand our solidarity networks and transbibollomaric resistance," said the bishop.

Situation of prisoners

The mobilisation of prisoners by Sare and ETXERAT every Friday has been added to the International Day of the LGBTI Community this year. Over 3,000 people have been gathered in 63 corners of the Basque Country. They report that dissident sex people in prison have to come back to the closet: "They have to live in secret and in secret." In addition, they have denounced that for trans people it is "much harder" because the modules are divided into categories of women and men: "They recognize and underestimate the rights of transitory prisoners who do not have them," added the Minister of Justice. They therefore call for recognition of the right to self-determination of the future.

Integral Law LGTBI+

The Basque Observatory LGTBIAQ+ stresses that the CAV needs an Integral Law LGTBI+. They denounce that the trans law in Spain of 2023 is "a general umbrella that has not been completed". The law does not take into account people such as intersex, binary, asexual, migrant or those in an irregular administrative situation. The law has been in force since March 2023. "What we want is a law that protects us all," the Public Health Observatory stressed.

That is, to foresee the de-medicalization and de-pathologization of sexual orientations, sexual and gender identities, expressions and non-normative corporations; to be based on the defense and protection of the principle of self-determination of the body; to promote knowledge and respect towards asexual or romantic people and naturalize the way of relating.

Far-right parties questioning the law, such as the Popular Party and Vox, have expressed their fear that they will reach the Government of Spain: "They have announced that they will repeal this law as soon as possible: they reject sexual and gender diversity and deny the rights of people who do not respond to heterosexual orientation and gender binarist conception."

In the electoral program of the last Basque elections, EHBildu, PSE-EE, Sumar and Elkarrekin Podemos – although left unrepresented – advanced in their electoral programs to the LGTBI+ Comprehensive Basque Law. The PNV, the Popular Party and Vox were against. "We are satisfied with the collaboration of the first parties with the representative associations of the group and the real needs and feelings to elaborate and reach a consensus on this law," the Observatory stressed.

They have added that the position of the PNV is "incomprehensible" and are concerned about the position that the PSE-EE may have: "You can forget what you promised in your election program so you don't get angry with the PNV and leave the law at all."


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