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La blancura is not on vacation

19 July 2024 - 12:03
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I can't contain the fire that hugs me inside, and I can only write these stupid words so I don't get mastered by despair.

I hate hypocrisy, I hate whites. The problem is that whiteness is everywhere, that we are all white.

It is well known that all the institutions take advantage of hypocrisy in order to achieve what they intend. Most of what they say (everything) is false and they know it. We know that too. However, they continue to make a lot of use of whiteness, because they know that we are all white. Because they know that we're willing to pretend that we believe anything, because we know that it's a lie and that we seem to believe because it's good for us, because what the institutions really offer us is what we want.

There are organizations, associations, parties... that say they are different: from the left, progressive... They are not like others: they are not xenophobic, they are not racist, they are in favour of defending the rights of all and to do so, to make it clear that they are, among other things, making petitions, denouncing, calling manifestos ... To respond to all of them, to join them all, there may be left-wing and progressive people, and they may be willing to prove it and claim it. They are proud of it, because they want a better, fairer world and they fight for it.

The recent attack on Trump, which I have to call if he does not want to get into dirty sauces, and all the presidents of all the Western democracies (bis) have denounced him aloud and offered him a warm welcome. Although he had only one wound in his ear (the beard was probably heavier).

A few days later, two minors died in a kayú when they were trying to reach the Canary Islands. It is precisely in Spain that there is a real problem of immigrant minors. I will therefore just refer to the attitude of those who say that they are left-wing: they are children, and we have to protect them. That's pretty much what they say.

Who has denounced the murder of these two children? Who has reminded them? Who has done something to remember them? Hundreds, thousands of boys and girls, like them, to denounce the tragedy they suffer, even those who are not, and to immediately put in place effective measures and not to remain empty words, as always?

Who has organised anything to denounce these murders? To demand measures to ensure that it is not repeated?

Nobody. Nobody!

The whiteness is not on vacation. It's not ours either. We have had countless excuses to whitewash our hypocrisy and make it clear that we are the most fervent fighters against all injustices. Of course, those who claim to be left-wing, for the summer holidays, cannot be asked to continue fighting, for that will come in September.

Institutions continue to make a lot of profit from whiteness, because they know that we are all white. Because
they know we're willing to pretend that we believe anything.

Inside I embrace fire, cholera, cholera, and I can't bear it. I cannot suffer it, not least because I cannot do anything to extinguish this fire, denounce all injustices and fight them. Can't I do anything? Not very much, but I can denounce aloud the hypocrisy of all the progressives and on the left, make them see and confront their brown, vivacious skin and tanned skin of all those children.

The same is true of the Palestinian tragedy. During the weekend (every day), Israel has killed nearly 150 Palestinians in its territory. In Ukraine, the massacre that took place at the time was strongly denounced by all Western institutions and became a ferocious enemy of Russia. Has anyone remembered the Palestinians killed by Israel? Has anyone denounced the murderous attitude of Israel, which has no other purpose but to destroy the whole of Palestine?

Where are the enthusiastic students who camped against Israel and for Palestine when the course was about to end? Holidays.

Where are those who, in many cities and towns, convened demonstrations with the same objective? Holidays.

In conclusion, I cannot fail to mention another terrible wound that hugs me. The leftist progressives, who claim to be in favour of Palestine and against Israel, support the Spanish Government, have also supported the sale of arms to Israel (EUR 1 billion are not half-night goats). Has hypocrisy not allowed them to denounce it?

I have another point to make. What about that newspaper that has not long been talking about the massacre of Israel against the Palestinians? He's not on vacation. Do you have that (a: I haven't decided if it's color) a reason to justify it? Can you tell why they do it? It's a deliberate decision, you can't blame forgetting. If it is something worth mentioning every day, the situation of the Palestinians is regrettable and the hypocrisy of the whole world. We cannot be – as we often do – looking away, hoping that we will not see an endless murder, because we will thus forget how miserable we are.

I'm so sorry, I cry many times. But I've decided that instead of directing my inability against myself, I'm going to make it the strongest scream against all the whites who are on vacation, with tears in their eyes, to denounce loud and clear: hypocrisy is not on vacation.

What has been the target will continue to be the final target, and everything it does will only be an unsuccessful attempt to conceal hypocrisy.

We're all so..., so...

"You pens?"

"Sure, yes!" !


Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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