The independent Algerian media has explained that the crisis caused by COVID-19 and its management has also affected Hala Bedi. Txosnas, festivals and concerts, markets... has some usual means of collection restricted or cut, so the project is in a “delicate” economic situation. Hala Bedi has stated that he is "proud to be free, autonomous and independent" and has been proud of it. Considering that in order to remain that way, economic independence is essential, become Halabelarri! We need your chute! It has launched a campaign calling on citizens to become partners in the project.
Here's the video of the campaign:
Hala Bedik Izan Media tailerren edizio berria antolatu du. Tailer hauen helburua herri mugimenduak zein norbanakoak komunikazioaren arloan ahalduntzea da, eta bide batez, Hala Bediren proiektu komunikatiboan inplikatzea.
Martxoaren 2an irekiko da Euskal Udalekuetan izena emateko kanpaina.