The Parker probe was launched in 2018. It has an oval orbit that moves near the orbit of Venus. So every time the planet meets the probe outside of its journey, it receives a gravitational impulse that increases its speed and brings it closer and closer to the Sun. The last meeting (eighth) and, therefore, the last gravitational impulse took place on November 6, 2024, and on December 24 approached the Sun more than ever. This approach has not affected the probe systems, as confirmed by signals collected on Earth in the coming days. So, NASA has ratified that the step has been a success for the company.
James Webb teleskopioaren lehen irudiak eta datuak aurkeztu dituzte: unibertsoari inoiz ateratako argazkirik sakonenak eta exoplaneta baten espektroskopia-datu zehatzenak. “Kosmosaren ikuspegi berri eta iraultzaile bat”, Bill Nelson NASAko administratzailearen... [+]