At the Zumaia festivities there have been at least three attacks, according to the Zumaia Feminist Group. To denounce them, a concentration will be held on Tuesday at 19:00 in the Plaza de los Rederos.
The Feminist Group has known two sexist aggressions in the txosnagunea and a homophobe in a bar. On the first Friday, April 14, a man was expelled from the enclosure. Last Saturday, two men retouched a woman and made her obscene offenses and denounced in the purple tent the homophobic offensives suffered by two men in a bar.
The Feminist Movement has pointed out that they have heard of these three attacks, but that others have occurred silently and without denunciation: "It has become clear, once again, that parties have not been free and comfortable spaces for marginal bodies".
Udan izandako indarkeria kasuen gorakada batetik, eta hainbat gizonezkok mugimendu feministak antolaturiko ekitaldiak boikotatu dituztela bestetik, Bortziriak, Xareta, Azkain, Bertizarana, Malerreka eta Baztango mugimendu feministek, erakunde publikoen konpromiso irmoa exijitu... [+]
Baionan Loverdose eta Atharratzen Bekat’uros egin den bezala, Oztibarren (Nafarroa Beherea) Debrien Figurak feminismoaren eta transfeminismoaren inguruan antolatutako egunak arrakasta izan du.
Since 24 October, Iñigo Errejón has been named head of the line of all the media in the Spanish State, and his name has been used to date, right and left. It has achieved a very rare media noise, and it seems that the echo is going to take a long time. Now we all have... [+]