Several people from Barakaldo, under the slogan "Defending trees is not a crime", have concentrated on Wednesday in front of the Palace of Justice. The activist of Ekologistak Martxan who has had to testify today has been supported.
In a green area of the Serralta district in Barakaldo, the City Hall wants to build houses and on 7 September several workers went to cut over 40 trees protected by the Ertzaintza. In Barakaldo there are fewer and fewer green areas and that is why the neighborhood's neighbors organized a protest. The Ertzaintza arrested a member who participated in this protest, accused of disobedience and attack the agents. To clarify the case on Wednesday 1 of the Barakaldo Instruction. He had to testify in court.
The local television network Tele7 received the felling of trees and the town protest:
The lawyer of the defendant and member of the Ekologistak Martxan group, Carlos Alonso, pointed out that in that protest there was no "resistance, disobedience and, much less, attack, a peaceful and symbolic orotesta". Alonso adds that they are awaiting the prosecutor's decision to know if "he maintains the prosecution or files the case". Alonso wanted to stress that "preventing the peaceful felling of trees is not a crime, but that the real crime has been the equocide that occurred in the park of Serralta".
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