Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

From Zubieta to Larrun, border villages grow

  • From 21 to 23 September, the Free Territory Association organized a Small Revolutions Camp in the Gipuzkoan town of Zubieta. It has been an opportunity to analyze some of the concerns and desires that permeate the Basque people, in a pleasant and inclusive environment, becoming the meeting point of the people who travel in the collectives.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The three-day meeting has aroused interest and opened up some prospects for the meeting. There has been talk of experiences, weaknesses and capacities, as well as of objectives, processes and interpersonal balances, external experiences and other themes. In terms of ensuring direct participation, values and practices worked by feminism have been established in the tertulias: ensuring care and listening, giving a favorable place to the oppressed or conspiring in enjoyment. In order to respond to the demand for renewed militant cultures, a privileged place has been given to horizontality and diversity has been taken as a basis. Aware that all these aspects have been relegated to the recent history of our struggles, it is now considered essential to apply these methodologies.

Among the traces he has left this weekend, it should be noted that the trends of getting to know each other and moving forward are showing. Among those of us who are involved in different areas, we are experiencing times of transition and it is becoming increasingly clear that, in the future, meeting spaces must be built. The potentials are large, and one of the next steps will be to agree common referents to promote more solid dynamics in comfort, giving time and support to the questions, positions and decisions that this empowerment will bring.

Much remains to be done for the Mute peoples to become real actors, but the pieces of the jigsaw are beginning to unite.

Within the framework of the Aman Komunak network, we have also begun to share these feelings and situations. In the meetings and in the auzolans, pragmatic and idealistic, young and old, vasco-speakers and Castilian speakers, nationalists and anarchists cross, aware that solidarity can move the walls. Fueled by the energies that bring all kinds of initiatives, we are learning to manage assemblies, to represent long-term campaigns, to publicly explain the arguments, taking together the supports that we lack to define and structure. The road is being given importance, without us at the moment falling into in-depth analysis, I am sure that complicity is going to bother us. In all cases, we have not created ourselves to be the vanguard of anyone, but to become an active element that will accelerate popular construction and self-management with many others.

To encourage these aims, we have already set out for the G7 summit to be held at the end of August next year in Biarritz. Before the defenders of the capitalist model, it will be time to show the resistance and alternatives of popular movements in favor of nature and the rights of people, nature and peoples. Perhaps the protests organized in unity and uniqueness constitute a milestone for the recomposition of the left-wing forces of tomorrow and for the incorporation of alliances. To this end, we must seek cohesion among all of us, with respect and without kindness.

On the other hand, in Zubieta they say no to the incinerator. They're not the only ones. In the south of Navarre, the TAV, the attacks on the free spaces in Pamplona and elsewhere, solidarity with refugees is intensifying, condemning specialism, organizing students, etc. In many fields, the earth is turning into the bursts and illusions of the younger generations to sow the passions of the future.

The same message will be carried out with the camp that we organised for the next 13 and 14 October against the tourism project that they intend to carry out in Larrun. There will also be the free and open project that we bring to society as a whole: we do not accept a policy of selling land to the detriment of nature, we want to live in a society that does not depend on profits, in a world that builds bridges rather than fences.

Come with us to the Larrun station, bring a lot of ration and ideas in the bag behind your back, as we have undertaken the journey together for years.

Land and freedom!

Joseba Alvarez Forcada, Hartu Lopez Arana, Ekaitza Adin Irastorza, Aman Komuneko


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