In the Jai Alai field they have prepared a large tent and two scenes for the festival that they have named Hitza Hitz: "We told Xiberoa and the people that this festival was going to be held, and if it is done it is a sign of what we have done," the organizers say.
Duba, hip hop, is electronic urban music that will be heard through 20 groups and will act Xiberoots, Skillz, Darktek, Iphaze and DJ Reimy, among others. The program can be seen in the following images:
The media has collected the organizational process. A year ago the Festibalerat Association was created and the entire logistic organization has worked among nine people. The mauletarra organizer Jordi Foucher tells the Journalist that they have collaborated closely with the Consistorial House and that it will be carried out thanks to the volunteers: "A lot of people have signed up to help, about 150 people."
The Festibalerat association has published several photographs of the assembly:
The video of the Xiberoots group to announce the festival is:
I could write this chronicle beforehand, although the sensory experience of the nightclub is difficult to describe in a few characters. The hegemonic discourse has also prevailed in manifestations outside the cracks of official culture. The story of what happens in the... [+]
Munduko bazter ugaritan utzi du bere marka musika elektronikoko musikari eta DJ bezala; ezabaezineko lorratza da El Txef-A-rena, baina aldi batez bere alderdi hori isilarazi du, barneko musikari heterodoxoari ate-leihoak zabaltzeko. Markak filmerako egindako soinu bandatik... [+]
Lumik eman digu neguko haize eta hotzari aurre egiteko aukera. Itzal zikinak lan berria aurkezten aritu dira Orbeleko lagunekin, aretoa erdi bete erdi hutsik zutela. Bertaratu ez direnen kalterako. Zoragarria izan da.