The project is not yesterday’s third, there is a time when they are working on this task in the association created twenty years ago. The creation of the Local Youth Savings Group (GALT) has been one of Acia’s initiatives to lend to young people who want to create and consolidate jobs on the ground by raising funds among the population.
Afterwards, Azia addressed the elaboration of the employment guide, Joana Hoki and Maider Larrori, members of the association, told the Basque Radio: “A few years ago we noticed that young people were leaving Xibero because they did not forcibly find work in their department after their studies, but on the other hand the companies here did not detect wood workers to work in their factories. We thought there was something to do: show the young people what work is in Zubero.”
Joana Hoki also explained in Topatu what Azia has done over the years:
In their 117-page brochure they have presented an overview of the professions in this territory, a sort of compass: “There is a frank profession in Zubero and it is possible to live and work there,” they conclude. They are also in contact with schools for guidance.
During the presentation of the Guideline of the Professions of Xibero, various issues arising from the research will be addressed through video and discussion: “To give an example, aeronautics is produced in the industrial department, so that it is aircraft for people or for wars, gas, oil, nuclear... Is this our priority? Can’t we do other renewable energy production? We want to create that debate among the people.”
These are the ones that will be spoken point-by-point:
"The transmission of Entrepres. 57% of the bürüen Entrepresa for 55 years goiti dü. What tools can we use to prepare for the future?
A new way of looking at work? Work or the Inganians, young people give priority to the new dütüe. The Gentiles do not contemplate the office of Ber in every life. To tie the Entrepreser dea to the Cambiamen horier?
Jobs without Segürtarzünik: 28% of the wives have non-full-time contracts, with a range of 9% in men. Is it a dea or a haütü for job applications? Ninety-five percent of construction workers are men, and the contrarian in the Cerbütxües of the Jente: the jobs of the Badieia mane and the Badieia mane?
Build training and research works that are guaranteed to meet the needs of the Lürrraldea. In the Department of Engineering and Research, the jobs are 290% emendatü for 10 years: Is that where the future of Xibero’s economy comes from?
The green economy, the economy of tomorrow? In Xibero, most of the energy is spent in households (37%). What can the construction department do in order to make the eco-economy and the economy flow?
The Xibero-Indüstria is geared towards food, aeronautical and energy production (gas, petrol, nüklear). What trade and trade routes to follow?"
It seems that the sixteen-year-old is reflecting on the path that he will follow after high school. In one, he talks about the choice of the specific subjects of the baccalaureate, in the other, of the administrative steps that he will have to perform, without questions, through... [+]
2021eko lehen seihilekoan Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoako 16 eta 29 urte arteko %15,1 gazte zeuden emantzipatuta, eta Nafarroako %13,8; azken 23 urtetako tasarik baxuenak izan dira. Espainiako Gazteriaren Emantzipazio Behatokiak ateratako txostenaren arabera, bakarrik bizi den... [+]
Xiberotar gazteen beharrak ezagutu eta horiei erantzuna emanez gazteen parte-hartzea handitzeko helburuz, inkesta egin du Azia elkarteak. Garraioaz, kultur jarduerez, formakuntzaz eta etxebizitzaz aritu dira gazteak, besteak beste.
Gamere-Zihigan (Zuberoa) sortua, Benoit Tauzin gazteak hargintzan zeukan lanbidea utzi du Zalgizeko baserri bat bere gain hartzeko. Ardi hazkuntzan hasi da, neguan haranean mantendurik udan artaldea mendietako larretan edukitzeko. Laster euskal arrazako txerriekin ere hastekoa... [+]