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Eight villages, a circuit for lovers of Basque literature and music

  • Fairs and initiatives of books and records in Euskera have joined forces: they have created the Network of Squares of Euskera. At the moment, this network consists of eight municipalities or initiatives that have today jointly presented in Bilbao the calendar of activities this year. Thanks to these plazas spread over five territories of the Basque Country, the Basque literature and the news of music are a great opportunity for cultural lovers.
Doinuele Euskarazko Plazen Sarea aurkeztu dute zortzi herritako ekimenen ordezkari hauek: Ladix Arrosagarai (Ziburuko azoka), Amaia Hennebutte (Ikusi-Mikusi), Xabier Ezponda (Hernaniko azoka), Itziar Iruretagoiena (Literaturia), Ane Legarreta (Sormene), Elurre Iriarte (Hilbeltza), Julen Garate (Geure Gelatik) eta Joxepa Madariaga (Lazkaoko azoka). Argazkia: Dani Blanco.

15 March 2023 - 11:45
Last updated: 2024-01-08 10:18
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The eight initiatives and localities that have met in the Doinuele network are: (H)ilbeltza (Baztan), "Continuity Gelatik" (Azkoitia), "Sormene" (Galdakao), "Literaturia" (Zarautz), Book Fair and Disco de Ziburu, Book Fair and "Disco de Kusani".

In the press conference, they pointed out that the realities of these eight peoples are different: "In one of them the official Basque is not compulsory, in the other it is co-commissioned or only tolerated. But the same problem: whether or not you have official legal support, the difficulty or impossibility of living only in Basque and the tasks of living in Basque (also). In other words, although at best our linguistic rights are recognized, they are not guaranteed or applied". In this context, they highlight that choosing only in Basque is not risky: "Creators, writers and musicians, less public; editors and record companies, less customers; plazas and fairs, more visitors. And yet, we are there, like many others who have made the same choice before and now, because the Basque country fulfills us. We are tired of explaining, justifying and defending our choice: we want to live in Basque with normality, spontaneity and tranquility. Fortunately in some villages they get more, but we all give them the opportunity to immerse themselves and enjoy the Basque in the days that our squares last. Because it's not a little bit."

Eight initiatives in eight locations throughout the year

Throughout the year and throughout the Basque Country, the initiatives presented by the Doinuele network have been:

- In January the black moon of Baztan (H)ilbeltza, organized by the association (H)ilbeltza, has just passed.

- 24th and 25th March in Azkoitia “Seguro Gela”, organized by Maxixatzen.

- From 27 to 30 April in Galdakao “Sormene”, organized by the municipal service of Euskera together with the bookstores of the town.

- From 5 to 7 May in Zarautz, organized by the Literaturia association.

- 3 June Book and Album Fair Ziburu, organized by the Baltsan and ARGIA association.

- September 30, Hernani Book Fair, organized by Dobera euskara elkartea.

- 20 and 21 October in Sara “Ikusi Mikusi” organized by Kiribil, Pamiela, Galtzagorri, Euskokultur and Denon Artean.

- From 15 to 17 December Lazkao Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco organized by the Gerriko association.

Through these places, the members of Doinuel have manifested their intention to "strengthen the entire public in Euskera, the lectorado, the children, youth and adult audience; expand the network that lives in Euskera; profitable the fairs, make multitudinary and living, diverse, meeting point and mirror of the Basque community; bring together cultural creators, writers and musicians, illustrators and literary books.

Although at the moment the network is composed of eight villages and initiatives, the members of Doinuel are aware that there may be more in Euskal Herria, which they do not know. Precisely for this purpose they have created the network, among other things, so that the impact of each of these initiatives can be extended to the whole of Euskal Herria thanks to the sum of forces of all. In addition, the network serves them to "support, interact, exchange ideas and experiences and agree on a timetable". For initiatives that want to join the melody, they have announced that the doors are open: "We are small who, we are here and we want to be."

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