The demonstrations were held in the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria under the motto "We are in an emergency situation" and in some of them the Ertzaintza charged with strength. In total, 8 people were arrested and 42 injured as a result of early morning incidents. According to the portal, eight people have been called to testify at the Bilbao courts this Sunday night.
ERNAI has denounced that the eight young people have been prosecuted "for mobilizing against youth precariousness on 7 May". The youth organization has called to mobilize next week against this bullying.
Calls made are as follows:
- June 23 at 18:30 in Gasteiz, in Gora Judimendi Square
- June 23 at 18:30 in Portugalete, Metro
- June 23 at 19:00 in Durango, in Plaza Andra Mari
- June 24 at 12:00 in Bilbao, opposite the Court, Buenos Aires Street
Gasteizko Auzitegiko laugarren aretoak ebatzi du Gasteizko isunak bertan behera uztea, eta Bilboko isun batzuk 2.500 eurotik 1.800era murriztea, "gehiegikeria" egon zela argudiatuta. Ernairen arabera, Segurtasun Sailak "arbitrariotasunez" eta... [+]
In memory of Josu Unanue.
We finish the fall, we are already in the winter. We have lived intensively in recent months in Euskal Herria in general, and in Busturialdea we have also noticed its reflection.
The street, reflecting many expressions, has been bordered to respond to... [+]