From the City Hall they say that violence is a “structural problem of patriarchal and chauvinist society”. “Gender oppression and the denial of sexual freedom are fundamental diseases of this system.” Precisely, convened by the Txosnas Commission, they concentrated on the Abades Pier on Thursday.
From the Feminist Movement of Lekitto point out that they “plant” all aggressions and that women are “on the street”. “The streets and nights are ours and we organize together to start feminist self-defense in the face of aggression.”
From the City Hall it is said that they want a people that lives “free and free” in Lekeitio. “We are not tired of saying: the important thing is the freedom of all, and that comes from all mutual respect.” They say they have “special responsibility” and they will do everything they have in their hands: “But in addition to the work of these institutions, the involvement of the whole of society is necessary. We shake our consciences, discard unacceptable attitudes and encourage networks among citizens. We call on the public to take an active attitude to any aggression without any kind of acceptance. Let no one be complicit in the aggressors.”
In addition, as could not be otherwise, they wanted to show “all the protection” to the aggressors: “Municipal Social Services are at your service if you want and need it.” Finally, the City of Lekeitio has a “firm commitment” to develop “effective” policies towards a “free and feminist” people without aggression.
Zur eta lur hartu dituzte Nafarroako Berdintasun teknikariek festa girorako enpresa zenbaitek egindako proposamenak. Edalontzia estaltzeko tapak edo eta edarian drogarik dagoen ikusteko eskumuturrekoak.
In Bilbao, I worked for five years with groups at risk of exclusion around the digital divide, especially with women. Along the way, I came across machistan violence and many other problems. In a very organic way, I began to relate to myself and to understand the work of the... [+]
On November 25, International Day against Male Violence, the Steilas Feminist Union Feminist Secretariat has published a poster: Our body is a battlefield, and all the schools in Hego Euskal Herria have received it. We wish to denounce the violence suffered by women and children... [+]