Aizepe (Old Party) and Ondar Gain (Center) are the companies that do not support women: the 154 participants of Aizepe are men and the 97 of Ondar Gaina are also. On the other hand, in these other six barrels women will not leave as drums or barrels, and those who will leave will leave in other roles: championships, cantineras, etc. : Centennial Cathedral (8 women and 160 men), Society (4 women and 189 men), Club Cantabrico (24 women and 151 men), Friends Antonio Bar (15 women and 176 men) and Europe 150 men. The Alto Bridge belongs to the Old Town and the rest to the Center.
In 2020, the last day of San Sebastian, normally celebrated, nine were the stubs that rejected women, one more than now. In fact, what has changed is Ollagorra, which this year will have six drums and fifteen barrels. It has a total of 169 participants, 41 women and 128 men; of the 41 women, as mentioned, 21 are drums or barrels and the rest are cantineras, championships or any other.
20,578 participants
In total, 20,578 people will parade through the streets of Donostiarras this year, of which 9,196 will be women (44.69%) and 11,382 will be men (55.31%). On the other hand, the Women's House tambourine consists exclusively of women, 100 in particular. In addition, Peña Anastasio has a company owned by women, which this year turns 25, founded in 1998.
Center with more stubs
As for the data from neighborhood to neighborhood, Erdialdea is the neighborhood with the most stubs: 32. A total of 4,777 people will parade through the Middle Zone, 1,876 women and 2,901 men.
As for the rest of the neighborhoods, the size and number of participants are, according to the distribution and data of Fiestas de San Sebastian: nineteen tamborradas in the area of Altza-Bidebieta-Intxaurrondo and 1,690 participants (870 women and 820 men), in the area of Amara-Morlans-Riberas de Borriola 2,302 women and
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