The Spanish Official Gazette of 8 April specifically publishes which types of transgenic maize have been included in the Register of Commercial Varieties, with the authorization of the Department of Agriculture of Spain. All of them are from MON 810 line owned by Monsanto. The marketing authorisation implies the authorisation of sowing in practice.
According to the data provided by the Spanish Government, MON 810 maize was grown in 8,253 hectares in Navarre during 2019. CAPV is not shown in this table.
The Spanish state has been the first to market transgenic maize in Europe. In 1998 it included two varieties of bt-176 in the Register of Commercial Varieties, at a time when it was banned in other countries, such as Austria, for its health and environmental risks.
Two other varieties of Bt-176 were introduced in 2003 and for the first time the first of the type MON 810. In 2005, Spain withdrew all grains of type bt-176 for health damage as advised by the European Food Safety Agency. But MON 810 has been steadily increasing.
In Europe, no other GM crops were grown in Europe until 2005. In 2016 these 21 European countries prevented the planting of MON 810 GMOs: Wallonia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany (authorised for research purposes only), Greece, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
José Ramón Olarieta Alberdi is a doctor in agronomist engineering and professor at the University of Lleida, as well as a member of the Catalan association Som what Sembrem.El last year published a book on transgenics: Are GMOs really safe and necessary? In April, Leitza and... [+]
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