Euskaltzaindia and UZEI have been chosen as words of congratulations. Each year they choose a word, and the word of 2022 has been widely heard since November. The Society of Sciences Aranzadi reported in November the discovery of the hand of Irulegi, a piece of bronze with “the oldest testimony written in Vascon”. In this piece you can read the word "sorioneku" and since then it has been read and heard in eleven variants.
That is why it is a fortunate word this year, "for its use in the media and in the network", according to Euskaltzaindia and UZEI. UZEI keeps track of the vocabulary daily, mainly exploring the media, among them "to develop and maintain tools based on the processing of natural language". Based on that, they make the selection.
Euskaltzaindia explained the fingerprint left by Irulegi in the Basque Dictionary: "The lucky form had in a week of November the same number of queries as the average number of entries in this digital dictionary."
Euskaltzaindia's motto is "ekin eta jarrai" ("ekin eta jarrai"), the outlawing of Euskaltzaindia. I don't know why the Academy wasn't outlawed, all three words appeared on its logo. The allegations have been made with less - and (those of one age remember the cassette of The Mondragon... [+]
Euskararen biziberritzea Ipar Euskal Herrian jardunaldia antolatzen du ostiral honetan Baionan Euskaltzaindiak. Euskararen alde egiten dena eta ez dena eztabaidatzeko mementoa izango da. Eragileak eta politikariak bilduko dira egun osoan.
Miren Agur Meabe idazleak Xabier Kintanaren hutsartea beteko du Euskararen Akademian. Bera izango da sorreratik akademiak izendatutako 95. euskaltzain osoa.