As Alea has reported, the institute has denounced what happened in a note. The first dish on Tuesday’s menu was the menestra, where “little bugs” have been found and food has been abandoned. Students have only eaten the second plate.
From the institute they indicate that they have asked Serunion for a head of the company to come to Murgia to “gather the record” of what happened. On the other hand, they state that “as in previous occasions” an incidence will be presented in the Education Delegation: "We hope to expedite the process of resolving this company's contract and carry it out as soon as possible"
Background and suspension of the contract
On 22 September the ikastola Ikasbidea de Durako (Araba) denounced the food situation of the company Serunión. Since then, the Murgia Institute, the Gorbeia School (both in Álava) and Langile Ikastola Herri Ikastetxea (Hernani, Gipuzkoa) have done the same. They have been found on several occasions in the food and have withdrawn the food. The mobilizations of the parents have been to denounce the company and to request the Government to terminate the contract.
On 14 November, spokesman Bingen Zupiria announced that the Government would suspend contracts, but only with the complaining centres: “The decision should be related to these lots, not to all the lots awarded.” Serunion has its main kitchen in Logroño and distributes its food to eleven educational centers in the Basque Country.
Euskal Herriko Ikasleen Gurasoen Elkarteak (EHIGE) artikulu honetan jakitera eman duenez, Eusko Jaurlaritzak EAEko ikastetxeetako jantokietarako argitaratu dituzten pleguak "caterin-enpresa handientzat pentsatutakoak dira". Alderdi pedagogikoan "ez dagoela... [+]