Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Leaving the ICU the follower of the Royal Ertzaintza hit on the head of foam launches

  • The 44-year-old woman was taken from the intensive care unit on March 8. On Day 5 he was injured in the charges made by Ertzaintza agents during the football match between the Real Sociedad and Paris Saint Germain. Her husband claimed that the intervention of the Ertzaintza was "barbarism".
Ertzaintzaren karga Reale Arena inguruan; zale ugari estadiora sartzear zirenean oldartu ziren agenteak. Argazkia: Linas Korta

11 March 2024 - 06:42

News from Gipuzkoa explains that the victim has received an electroencephalogram and has taken him to the neurology plant. Her husband stated in his statements to EITB that “the hematoma is still there” and that they should “wait for it to be absorbed”. Her husband hopes that her wife can lead a normal life and, in the light of the statements of the doctors, hopes to be “the Amaia of always”.

Her husband says on public radio that the action was a “barbarism”. He stresses that they shot at a short distance and at a “not acceptable” height; “you cannot shoot above the waist” adds the victim’s husband.

Open research

The Department of Security of the Basque Government reports the opening of internal research and contacts women and their families to clarify what has happened. He also asks the court to study how he was injured. "Among the disturbances that emerged from radical Basque followers, the Ertzaintza received an impact on the head," says the Spanish-language note.

More injured

Two other injuries occurred around the Reale Arena football stadium. On March 7, another woman filed a complaint with the Municipal Guard of Donostia. The Department of Security reports that he has suffered “minor” injuries due to the impact on his back. According to the newspaper Naiz, a third person received the impact by the eye.

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