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Israel launches major military attack on the West Bank and encourages the population to "evacuate"

  • Israel has launched an "anti-terrorist" attack in the West Bank that has not been seen since the Second Intifada (ANC). Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas have been the cities that have been involved through drones, helicopters and military battalions and have already killed at least nine people. According to various sources, the operation has all the appearance that it will be extended over time. The Israeli Foreign Minister, Yisrael Katz, has asked citizens to "temporarily evacuate" the West Bank.

28 August 2024 - 11:43
Last updated: 15:38

The attack began around midnight in the Israeli cities of Jenin, Tulkam and Tubas, as reported by the Army. To this end, it has used military drones and helicopters and has introduced a large number of vehicles in the areas in which it has been deployed. He has shot the Palestinians and killed at least nine people, according to the Ministry of Health of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli soldiers have entered the Jenin refugee camp, the Nur Shams camp and the Tulkarma camp. Hospitals are surrounded by hospitals and assistance to medical services is being prevented. Sources from the Middle Eas Eye have explained to Efe that this is a long-term operation, which can be detected by the number of military vehicles, including excavators.

The Israeli Government has used the euphemism of the "special anti-terrorist operation" to describe the attack, but witnesses have assured that it has not occurred since the Second Intifada of 2002.

Cities are completely paralyzed and witnesses have assured the same media that the situation is "catastrophic", as soldiers are assaulting houses.

According to Canal 12, four battalions are involved in the attack, and the Israeli Defence Minister, Yisrael Katz, has said that his goal is "to hit Iran's Islamic infrastructures". Thus, the president has asked the citizens of Cisjoardania to "temporarily evacuate their homes".

Palestinian armed groups, for their part, are responding with explosive devices and what they have at their disposal. At the moment, it is unknown whether victims have been recorded among the Israelis in recent hours.


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