The UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, has lamented the expansionist plans announced by Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu’s executive announced in May its intention to establish “Israel’s sovereignty” in several areas of the West Bank. The Zionists have already begun to install new settlements in the Jordan River Valley and in the northern Dead Sea. Guterres reminded them that this is “a serious violation of international law”. Lehendakari said that the EU's claim would "deteriorate the two-state solution" and "ruin" the hope for talks between countries. It has therefore sent a clear message to the Government of Israel: “Leave the annexation plan.”
The Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Organization (ANP) called the State of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority for negotiation. The group of the United States, Russia, the European Union and the UN, for their part, took on the role of mediation. In this circumstance, the organization wants to promote “unconditional conversations”. Tel-Aviv, for its part, continues to neglect international legislation without legal guarantees and the recommendations of the other powers. In this regard, it has insisted that the annexation plan of the West Bank will take place from 1 July. Guterres stressed that this is a "decisive moment" for the international community at large.
The words of Guterres have been shared by Nikolay Mladenov, the UN representative for the Middle East, who has shown concern about the Israeli "threat". This movement has concluded that it will bring the geopolitical conflict to the "critical moment", as it believes that annexation can leave relations between Israel and Palestine "unturned" as it has warned. If it were not enough, Mladenov has said that if Israel were to deal with the West Bank, the international community’s “one-quarter century effort” for the Palestinian State would be “in the guise”. In his view, annexation would send a “dangerous message” that “negotiations cannot achieve a just peace”. The situation would increase instability in the territory and leave the “path of violence” as the only solution to the resolution of the conflict.
The US Ambassador to Israel, Danny Danon, informed the UN Security Council that if the Zionist State decides to bring the plan to the end it would be a "legitimate, historic and legal claim."