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The fascination of circuses with the role of dancers

  • In full freedom. In this way, besides enjoying these games that combine dance, music, theater and bertso in different places in the Basque Country, these weeks are the ideal time to observe and reflect on this discipline. Despite the fact that in the last fifteen years they have experienced a period of splendor worth mentioning, some of the opinions I have heard and read in the last long month express a concern that, insofar as it relates to dance, I would like to do a little here. Three brushes:

02 March 2023 - 08:30
Iruinkokoa 2023. Kokobeltz eta kokoxuriak parez-pare. Argazkia: Orreaga Zubeldia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

1- On 14 January we made an interesting exchange in Pamplona between the members of the liberators of Baigura and Iruinko. The Baiger set up a new group of ballerinas for freedom and we offer them simple help over the past few months. They wanted to know the creative process of Pamplona and we organized a small talk to which, as always, the most interesting exchange of ideas has come in a colloquium and in a free measure. Iñaki Etxeleku asks us, among other things, how we do in Pamplona — in Libertimendua — to guarantee the dignity of the dancers, who notice a loss beyond Otxondo or Ibañeta.

2- On 10 February Ortzadar Euskal Folklore Elkartea organized its annual conferences. Jojo Bidart and Antton Luku talk about the evolution of dance in Baja Navarra. The same concern has reappeared in her post-verbal discourse. Antton Lukuk has said so.

Ortzadar conference table: Karlos Irujo, Jojo Bidart and Antton Luku. Photo: Ainitze Irujo (Ortzadar)

I fear that Faustin will pretend like Bentaberri. In other words, in twenty years' time someone will pass and says (for me): this has made everything dirty! I think that surgeons are a good thing, but it occupies a poxi — and in Pamplona it is not a precipice, because there the balance is very united — too much room. There has to be carnival, I mean, carnival is not a nozzle. The surgeon brings the issue to carnival, but it's not a place where people are being told how to live from here and where everything else is decorative. And I see that risk, to the detriment of dance. And the community runs the dance. I think it is very important to raise awareness of what we want to do in this space of libertism, of what we associate pleasure and celebration. It is very important for me that much more room be given to the circus, to bertsolari and to the dancer. I think that's Orai's bet. You hear new attempts, "We're going to set up a new set of flyers," and that's really important, because that's the base. Am I optimistic? Not yet!

3- On February 25, Berria published the report of Joanes Etxebarria, on the occasion of the research carried out by the young Lent Amaia Maitia on the liberations. Thirdly, the same concern. Etxebarria's report includes the following words:

“In 2006 there were leaflets, but the circus game was perceptible. That's what Antton [Luku] worked on in the assembly of the surgeon's game. Today, the role of the surgeon has been detected and that of the steering wheel is a forgotten one”. In spite of everything, the author of the study says that the wedges start in autumn, and as he sees in his group, the floats meet in the two weeks prior to the action to “repeat the dances they will give”.
To feed the research work, Maitia has extended the questionnaire to the participants of the liberations. The motivation of the flyers is a source of distress for the young man, as it is easier to respond from the flyers because “and the answers of the surgeons were deeper than those of the flyers”, in their frogs. Many organizers have joined this idea, adding that both stimulate the motivation of the dancers, illuminate the role of floaters in carnivals. In his work Maitia Xan Bertrese states that ‘ignorance of the symbolism of carnivals’ is ‘one of the explanations’ of this low motivation.
Wedges of the libertamento of Amikuze. Photo: Maddi Alberdi, Itxaso Lopetegi - Dantzan CC-BY-SA. Libertism of Amikuze, Donapaleu, 26-02-2023.

In Pamplona also dogs fleeing

The sweet words we have received from Iparralde do honor and pleasure, but...

On 19 February this year we celebrated the Iruinco and despite the fact that a number of people have praised the work of the cocoxuri dancers, here too we have had a hard time dealing with the excessive fascination produced by the cucarachos. At the next Iruinkoko festival I gave a young dancer from the Duguna dance group: - what, therefore, next year's kokoxuri? - No, no, I crocodile!

Cocoxuris, as a major cocobikete, have to come and make a little sense: we have had to do the Iruinco of 2021 separately, the cocoxuris and the loved ones, some dancing in the peripheries of Pamplona, others in the center of the old town, in the hidden, in the cirtology. And when it comes to us the morning and we all come together again, Oier Zuñiga, a friend who has become a circus coach, has launched something like this: We've done it! There is something! But without coxuria, this makes no sense.

This coincides with what Antton Luku recently said in his interview to the Basilica for the podcaste:

These creators who have built libertism don't believe in the notion of the entire artist. The popular mindset does not believe in the integral artist. Therefore, an artistic goal of sharing talents is achieved. If it is a certain trinity at the basis of libertism. As in the Christian erligio, the god (word), the son (body) and the holy spirit (art), in the libertament, the verse, dance and music. And as a single character doesn't bring all these talents together, we present them one by one but together in the plaza and the detonation between the three, art appears.

The role of the dancers

Like adhesives that are activated by mixing ingredients, the lack or weakness of one of the components causes mixing failure. And what role does the dancer play in that confusion? In January of this year, when we met with the friends of Baigura, Oier Zuñiga has relaunched the missile of silence: The dancers guarantee the ritual! Are our coconuts going to listen as well? !

And Oier's words have given me what to think. In libertism, of course, surgeons and dancers have different functions. Some are visible and others more diffuse. Beyond what we have to do with darkness, with clarity and with simple eye blows, there are others. For example, surgeons bring the present of the last year, the present, the present, the chaos, which varies every year. The opposite of this novelty is that the ritual, the pause, is repeated. And although the acts we repeat over and over again – breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping… – are more unnoticed, they are the basis, without them we cannot survive! And those are the dancers of the liberts, repeating each year the same dances, adorned with ribbons and gingiles, characters that take us out of everyday whirlwind and — as Margaret Bullen said — put us in another time out of time. Without breaths, edibles, flowers... there is no life and no dancers, so there is no freedom!

Kokoxuriak pandemic of the year. Photo: Focus

So that with the short duration of Tik Toke's videos we can measure our frenzied lives, carnival and, therefore, libertaments — and, as I said, also the dance — lead us to another time and to a specific space of the field. And in that time, they send other laws. Xabier Etxabe proposes in issue 13 of Musika-berri magazine that we should regain the grace of always doing the same. We should develop special sensitivity to raise awareness of this and its importance, reiterating ourselves in the mantra! The dancers guarantee the ritual!

But that is not enough either!

We cannot carry all responsibility to the fascination of surgeons or to the ignorance of symbology. Dantzaris will also take care of us. After a time of folklorization, libertism offers dance a natural and natural space — a cozy terrain. And for our dances to flourish, you'll notice the importance of watering well and fertilizing. I care about some measures to prestigious dance:

  • We should devote time to dance training (at least as long as surgeons devote to their jelkaldiak), so that we dancers dance like the pelotari is riding.
  • There is no dance without music. Music is the wave of verbena for the surfer. Music swings us or throws us from the table. In this way, we should re-establish the broken relationship between dancers and musicians to agree on the musical aesthetics we want to give to our dances, to understand the meaning of playing for dance, to tune the loose threads of the fabric formed between both disciplines. To me, the strength of music is fundamental for dance to continue to grow.
  • We should take into account the other elements that make dance elegant. For example, clothing. On the one hand, making and (re)creating garments appropriate to their representativeness, and on the other hand, dressing them in an orderly fashion.

The floats of the Baigura libertamento have demonstrated this year that it is possible to move forward on this path. So where to look! Let us take care of the dancers, therefore, to completely stop the artifact of libertism!

Bowling in the Libertisma of Baigura. Photos: Maitane Eyheramonho. Libertism of Baigura, Lekorne, 12-2-2023


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