This has been stated by the Cooperativa Amiarma in the purchase of the convent of Ziordia: "To maintain in time the Amarauna project, that is, to maintain a space dedicated to the popular movement, supporting all the actions carried out in it: internal meetings, meetings, etc. ". In addition, they intend to develop a collective coexistence: We have room and desire, and we are open to you too, let us be part of it! In addition, they have encouraged all people to live in the place to contact them.
They explained that this is a process that has been going on for years and has been supported by the following actors: Advice from Xabier Barinaga, with the web Eneko Garrido, architects Hiritik At, KoopFabrika, Sakana Development Agency, diverse groups of the popular movement, members who support the project, who have made economic contributions, who have made personal loans "and, of course, armi-males who are working on weaving the web of spiders".
Xabier Letona explained the Amarauna project in depth in this report.
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