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The Alternative Film Festival will feature films for the first time at the UPV/EHU Faculty of Architecture

  • This year the debate on the city model will be launched in the framework of the new urban planning initiated by the City Hall. The 14th edition will be held from 15 to 25 September and the organizers recall that the departure of the cinema to the streets of San Sebastian has been a “strategic” decision since the first edition.

12 September 2022 - 16:28

14. The program of the Alternative Film Festival has been presented, and once again the organizers have used the 9+5 formula to refer to the young Koroenea, where the audiovisuals were broadcast between 2010 and 2015, until the mayor of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, was shot down at the beginning of his term of office. The Alternative Film Festival began to be organized in 2006, with a large number of social movements of the city, based on self-management, and with the intention of occupying the streets and squares of San Sebastian.

This year, for the first time, some of the projections will be projected at the School of Architecture of the UPV/EHU, with the objective of opening a space to discuss the city management through the review process of the General Urban Planning Plan initiated by the City Council: “It will significantly affect the natural spaces and the free spaces, buildings and roads, both public and private, and therefore directly affect the economy, society and the environment of San Sebastian,” the organizers said.

Other actions shall take place in: Fronton de Añorga, Trinia del Casco Viejo, Txantxarreka Gaztetxe del Antiguo, Fronton de Sagüés en Gros, Gaztetxe Letaman en Intxaurrondo y Gladys Enea de Egia.

Another novelty of this year’s edition is that they anticipate that you will see the results of the crowdfunding campaign for the purchase of a new screen and projector.

Programme of all audiovisual productions that will be offered by the Alternative Film Festival:

September 15, Thursday, at 18:30 in the Faculty of Architecture of the UPV/EHU

Film by Periferia, Xavi Esteban and Odei Etxearte. In addition, 17 Santi 17 Short film of six minutes, located in San Sebastian. Alvaro E. The authors are Olaiz and Segis Monsó Agorreta.Tras the projections will be a colloquium with the authors and members of the Bizilagun platform.

16 September, Friday, at 20:00 in the Plaza de la Cantera de Añorga (in collaboration with Añorga Kultur Taldea)

Under Construction, piece by José Luis Guerín. The event will feature the presence of Mikel Azcona, professor of urbanism at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de San Sebastián and neighbor of Añorga.

September 17, Saturday, at 20:00 in the Plaza de la Trinidad del Casco Viejo

Short audiovisual created by Sos Racism and Harrera on the street. The guests to the program will be the migrated youth living on the street and the members of the Solidarity Dinner of the Old Party.

Sunday September 18 at 20:00 in the Gaztetxe Txantxarreka of the Old

Free Pablo Gonzalez - Living the War. Short piece by Oier Zeberio. A colloquium will then be held with the wife of Oihana Goiriena Pablo.

20 September, Tuesday, at 18:30 in the Faculty of Architecture of the UPV/EHU

Interes orokorra. Bat parkea neighborhood. Documentary by Miguel Ángel Sánchez. Guests to the programme: Carmen Ochoa (Parque Yes Chamberí) and Félix Arias (Urban Debates Club).

21 September, Wednesday, at 20:00 on the fronton of Sagües (in collaboration with the Feminist Assembly of Gros)

Hot ear, right? Web section of Uxue Bereziartua Lonbide, Uxue Amonarriz Zubiondo and Aitor Altuna Etxabe. Amonarriz and Altuna will attend, as well as the actresses Nerea Arriola and Dorleta Urretabizkaia.

September 24, Saturday, at 20:00 on the terrace of gaztetxe Letaman de Intxaurrondo

Where is Mikel? The programme will be attended by the directors Amaia Merino and Miguel Angel Llamas Pitu.

September 25, Sunday at 20:00 in Gladys Enea Park

The documentary Kasilda, the resonance of the other steps, is presented. The authors are Juan Felipe, Ruben Marcilla and Unai Otegi, who will participate in the Felipe program.

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