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Start the fundraising to get the Alternative Film Festival out on the street

  • 14. This year will be the Alternative Film Festival. Continuing on the road started last year, a documentary will be screened every night on the street, in cheese shops and elsewhere. They've launched a fundraiser to get a projection screen and a professional projector.
Iazko emanaldi bat. Argazkia: Zinemaldi Alternatiboa

15 June 2022 - 18:17

The Alternative Film Festival will begin one day before the San Sebastian Festival and will end one day later, for 14 years. In order to strengthen the community in the screening of films on the street, the Alternative Film Festival has the opportunity to enjoy the works that remain outside traditional cinemas and festivals. It has been anticipated that a documentary will also be screened this year every night.

This year, a fundraising campaign has been launched to get better resources to delve into these objectives, with the aim of acquiring a professional screen and projector. They anticipate that they will make these resources available to the community. They have therefore made a direct appeal to popular movements to participate in the collection, each according to their abilities, to make use of the resources they then need.

As a reward they have made new bags, t-shirts and jerseys. The objective of the Alternative Film Festival is to organize on the street “a beautiful popular film” and continue to acquire the necessary elements for it. Collection has begun in

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