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The Zinegoak festival will be held from 1 to 14 March in a classroom and virtual way

  • The Gaylesbitrans International Film and Performing Arts Festival in Bilbao, Zinegoak, presented its 18th edition, held in Bilborock on Tuesday at a press conference. This year it will be held from 1 to 14 March and it will be possible to follow both face-to-face and virtual.

25 February 2021 - 12:47
Argazkia: Zinegoak

Although the health crisis has conditioned the festival, the organizers have opted for live programming. For those who are unable to attend, they will open a digital window on the Filmin platform, so that they can also enjoy Zinegoak.

Under the motto 'No doubt, no doubt', they have presented the festival, which is directly related to this year's objective: "We've looked at those who are building their identity, their identity and their future with tools that until recently were mere concepts or ideas," he added. In those who have naturally extended their vision towards sexual diversity, towards various orientations, towards the construction of gender identity or towards any other element related to sexuality”.

As in previous editions, the programming will have three official sections: FIK (fiction), DOK (documentaries) and KRA (new narratives). These eighteen feature films from the official section will be projected in the Golem Alhóndiga between March 1 and 7, and have announced that they will have current topics such as identity constructions, lesbian maternity, team care, etc.

On March 5 the virtual window of Filmin will open, where you will see all the films that will be screened at the festival. As of that date, three new films will be released each day – one each day per section – and you will be able to see a maximum of 72 hours.

As for short films, Zinegoak has organized six cycles of varied themes that can be seen in Bilborock at 18:00 hours, with free entrance. Along with the usual cycles of "Childhood and Adolescence" or "Women Directives", new cycles will also be those of "Drag life" and "Resilience". Likewise, the cycle "LGTBI+ Nagusia-" will be recovered and will be presented, as every year, "Euskal Begiradak", productions produced in Euskal Herria.

In addition, the opening ceremony will be held on 1 March at the Arriaga Theatre, where the short film Red Bay of Hondarribitarras José Antonio C.Amunarriz will be premiered.

ZG Dissemination

After the end of the Bilbao festival, Zinegoak begins its journey through the villages of Álava, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. Although the health crisis has made the situation difficult, more than 40 municipalities will participate in the ZG Extension, with more than 50 projections.

In addition, for the first time, Zinegoak will have a new official headquarters: Lekeitio. This year, between the 6th and 8th of March will be presented the Valentina feature film and the short film cycles "Euskal Begiradak" and "Emakume ceo".

Activities prior to the opening of the festival

From 26 to 28 February, Zinegoak organized several activities before the official opening of the festival. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao will design a selection of works: On Friday, Keith Haring. The documentary Street art boy, on Saturday a documentary about the group of revolutionary armed women Rote Zora and on Sunday the latest work by Petite Fille Sébastien Lifshitzen.


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