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From cymitorium to dreams

  • The phrase of the Italians is: “As well known as the grasses of lobsters.” The Ottoman herb has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years, but we have not yet been able to decide which scientific name to give: Stachys officinalis or Betonica officinalis. Both are used and we only have one thing clear, their last name is officinalis. In the past it was called officina where herbs and plants were collected and used mainly as medicinal herbs. Gender in which the doubt has been situated: Stachys or Betonica. Everyone regards them as synonyms, but what is the main one and to use?

23 September 2021 - 06:20
Last updated: 08:24
Argazkia: Nova Agnieszka Kwiecie / Wikimedia

The Stachys comes from the Latin word Stachys, which comes from the Greek σ000-χetxebarria, and its meaning is “head”; for some, “spiga” and for others, “corn head”. The set of otonian flowers resembles those heads. Betonica is a variant of the Latin word vettonica, which apparently originates in the Welsh language. Pliny, on the other hand, says that the name comes from the Betons of the Iberian Peninsula. It is true, geographically it is very attached to this peninsula.

The first reference to the Ottoman herb appears in a work by the Roman physician Antonius Musa, in which he claimed its effectiveness against witchcraft. He was later cultivated in the cimitorians of the churches to avoid the action of ghosts. In England, it was recommended to scare away the dreadful night ghosts and nightmares and nightmares. A Welsh charm commands: To avoid dreaming, hang the leaves of the herb to the neck or drink your juice when you go to bed. It was a well-known drug to treat diseases such as mental illness, wound healing and broken nerves, digestive and hepatic resuscitation, menstrual pain, poor memory, disturbances of tension, headache and cerebral congestion, etc. Homeopathy is used to treat asthma and excessive sweating. In Spanish they say: “It has as many virtues as the grasses of lobsters.”

It's not strange in ours either. We've had a house for a long time like a cimitorist, maybe because we've had a low and low ceiling and a cimitorium. There are many names for him: lobster herb, snake, bitumen, pasta herb, bush herb, bohemian, wolf herb and pickle, at least. Bitumen is also biliary, and maybe it's also a medicine for him. Don't those names come from lobster and lobster and portal lobby? I don't even remember where they went from being neighbors to Otea.

Bees really like them, and they're placed next to the plants that need pollination, in the orchards, in the gardens, in the fruit trees ... Now it's in bloom, you'll see almost all spring-summer. Bring to your house a small plant, which will wipe away ghosts and nightmares, for headaches and illnesses, and improve your memory. It is a pity that I act against the charms...

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