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Kutxa Fundazioa will close Zientzia Museoa, Ekogunea and ArotzEnea

  • Gipuzkoa has three important benchmarks and, according to the foundation, the activities carried out in them will be transferred to the 5,600 square metres already in Tabakalera. The Science Museum, which opened in 2001, will be closed in 2023.

29 October 2021 - 13:32
Last updated: 15:38
Eureka zientzia museoa 2023an itxiko da. (Arg.: Donostiako Udala)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.


As reported by the Kutxa Foundation in a press release, this restructuring is part of the new 2030 Strategic Plan. Accordingly, they will “reformulate and strengthen” their presence at the “Tabakalera International Centre for Contemporary Culture”. This space of the Kutxa Foundation will be reconsidered with the objective of promoting interdisciplinary knowledge, “contributing to the transformation of society from art, culture, science and technology, in the hand of a wide ecosystem of knowledge and innovation of the territory”.

As for the Ekogune area, he has not given detailed information, but he has explained that he is working with other agents to do something about it. Since the beginning of COVID-19, the summer colony house ArotzEnea of Navarra is closed and will now be closed definitively. The initiatives and programmes carried out in the cubes of the Kursaal de Donostia-San Sebastián, for their part, will continue.

The Director General of Kutxa, Ander Aizpurua, has reported that “Kutxa Fundazioa has decided that it is time to transform the organization to strengthen its role as transforming agent of Gipuzkoa, that is, to promote and accompany the responses so that Gipuzkoa is more cultured, creative, just and sustainable, based on critical thinking and collective commitment.”

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