Getxo City Hall began last Monday the construction of a roundabout on the Scioetxe road near Azkorri, at the junction of the Goienetxe stretch. As explained by the Consistorio, the aim of this action is to improve the conditions of movement on the route of buses normally circulating in the area, especially as regards the manoeuvres of these vehicles in the surroundings of the bus station in the area.
In this regard, members of the Azkorri Bizirik platform consider this project illegal: "The roundabout seems to occupy a space that cannot be touched." In addition, they have questioned the intentions of the City Hall: "We think it's hiding because the roundabout seems to match the road projected on the PGOU. It may be thought that with the excuse of the safety of the bus maneuver you have made the maneuver of further developing the destructive PGOU".
Thus, yesterday morning members of the Azkorri Bizirik platform approached the Azkorri campa to try to paralyse the construction of the roundabout. During the protest, the Municipal Police and the councilwoman of the Area of Urbanism, Works and Services, Janire Ocio, approached them and committed to hold a meeting to discuss the details of the project. In addition, the concentrates announced that the councillor had told them that the works would remain paralyzed until the meeting: "We have managed to paralyse the works by the will of many people, but we will be attentive to how the whole process of this roundabout is going," he added. The municipal sources, for their part, have stressed that the meeting has been established only and that the works have not been paralysed.
A-15 errepideko trafikoa N-I errepidearekin bat egiten duen tokian eraikiko litzateke lotune berria. Andoainen N-I errepidearen "afekzioak murriztu" eta ingurunean "modu hobean" integratuko dela adierazi du aldundiak. Udalak 2011ko eta aurtengo proiektuen... [+]
To have a car (private) in Japan it is mandatory to have a parking (private). The measure seems controversial, as the regulation (the securities systems here) allows the occupation of spaces where the car deposit is public. That is, the problem is conceived as a responsibility... [+]
First of all, we wish to extend our condolences to the family and friends of the woman killed in early August.
The people of Gaintxurizketa are fed up with the disillusionment of the administration and those responsible.
Those of us who live in the neighborhood are forced to... [+]