Anti-bullfighting protesters joined the bullring in Vista Alegre on Saturday in Bilbao. De Moyua passed to Arriaga, where they read his manifesto.
They denounced that bullfights receive “political and material protection against the interests of the social majority of Bilbao”, “making possible the suffering and murders of hundreds of bulls.” The protesters were directed to the mayor of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto: “Bored, with the murders do not have fun.”
Besides fighting bulls, they denounced the social specialism: “Society educates non-human animals to have fun with their suffering, dress in leather and feed on their bodies and secretions.” However, they recognized that reality is changing, because bullfights have an increasingly scarce audience and seem to end sooner or later. They stressed that it is also an achievement of the anti-specialist movement.
Animalien askapenaren aldeko mugimendu antolatuaren historiaz eta garapenaz mintzo dira hamabi ekintzaile antiespezista dokumentalean. Nor taldeak sortu du lana eta ostiralean ARGIAn izango da osorik ikusgai.
I found on the ARGIA website an article with a striking title of alliance between vegans and small farmers. I was questioned and encouraged to respond to the constructive attitude of the article that is to be welcomed. There it goes.
The commercial strategies being developed... [+]