The festivities of Zestoa will take place within a few weeks and the Zestoa City Hall has commissioned the installation of the bullring. But since July 13, the temporary staff of the City Hall has been on strike, as well as the Head of the Municipal Brigade who is responsible for annually setting up the bullring.
ELA has denounced the mayor of Zestoa and other citizens in the Labor Inspectorate, and they have asked the City Council of Zestoa and "especially the mayor" to "reflect on what is against workers' rights and to reject".
The strike of municipal workers is dragging on. The Zestoa Municipal Government launched on 30 July a note in which it rejected the withdrawal of the negotiating table by the strikers and regretted the "personal disqualifications" against the mayor. "It seems that the aim is to harm the City Hall as much as possible and the citizens are not to blame," he says in the note.
Institutuko giza baliabideak hobetzeko eskatu dute irakasleek, ikasleei kalitatezko arreta eman ahal izateko. Kartelekin eta pankartekin itxaron diete irakasleek lehendakariari. Jaurlaritzako ordezkariek ikastetxeko zuzendaritzari esan diote ez zutela "horrelakorik... [+]