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They manage to enter Galicia accompanied by scheduled cesarean sections

  • Thanks to the struggle of a group of mothers, in the scheduled cesarean sections they have ensured that women do not give birth in solitude and that the partner or a trusted person can help in Galicia. In Euskal Herria there are also voices that demand to be able to give birth with the companion.

27 September 2023 - 09:10
Last updated: 11:16
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Surgical deliveries have become a common practice and during cesarean section the auxiliary must wait outside the operating room in many places. Moreover, it is common for women to remain alone during postpartum recovery hours. The coincidence of the companion in the cesarean section with the woman and the lack of separation from the mother after delivery are two commitments that some Galician hospitals will fulfill thanks to the pressure exerted by a group of mothers.

Towards a humanistic model

The voices that demand humanistic childbirth are not few. The perinatal psychologist Estitxu Fernández this year announced obstetric violence in the Basque Parliament and highlighted that mother-child separation after delivery and cesarean section is violence. Fernandez is clear: we have to gradually move towards a humanist model and to do so we can take some steps. First, to understand the perinatal stage (pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium) as a vulnerable time, "because years ago we know that childbirth is a more complex process than is believed, a very profound psychological and hormonal process".

And another important key to move towards the humanist model is to understand the child and the woman as subjects with all rights, "not forgetting the information provided by machines and technologies, but always above respect for the desires, thoughts, emotions and needs of women and children. The scientific model bets on physiological delivery and goes beyond the physiological humanist model, favors women".

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