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Why has the besieged Gaza Strip erupted?

  • Given that most media outlets cannot and/or do not want to explain to readers why what is happening between “Gaza and Israel,” AraInfo has assumed responsibility for providing the information and context readers deserve. We will briefly answer the key questions that may arise: What? Where? When? How? Why? Who?

13 October 2023 - 12:30
Last updated: 2023-10-15 01:06
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

What, where and how?

Early on 7 October, the Hamas military arm and the Palestinian armed resistance factions began a massive bombardment in territories where the Israeli Zionist regime has conducted ethnic cleansing in recent decades. For more than two hours, the Sixteen launched over 5,000 rockets and fell to the air and land bases of the Israeli army. The bombing was accompanied by cyber attacks, electronic warfare measures and drone strikes. Under this cover of fire, the Palestinian militiamen placed explosives at eight points of the dividing line that closes the Gaza Strip and entered with motorcycles, buggies, 4x4 vehicles, on foot, paragliders in the air and rubber boats at sea.

This combined attack, which largely contained low-quality material fighting tools based on Iranian technology, was effective. All the loading and alarm stations, the military communication systems and the electronic and cyber-warfare bases of the Israeli army in the command and control centres of occupied southern Palestine were left out of service for at least seven hours.

The famous iron dome system against rockets and projectiles, a project between Israeli company Rafael and Raytheon, could not work for more than an hour due to the “dumping” effect caused by the density of rocket waves.

It is believed that 4,000 Palestinian fighters participated in the “Al Aqsa Ekaitza” attack. While the majority withdrew to the list, hundreds stood before the Israelis in the fight against Zionist troops. As can be seen from the videos made by the fighters themselves, Palestinian civilians or Israeli civilians who entered the Israeli area, the attitude of the combatants has been heterogeneous and even contradictory. On the one hand, we see Israeli military shoots and kidnappings and, on the other, indiscriminate attacks. We also see many videos showing good deals with captive Israelis. Pedro Sánchez, José Manuel Albars and many others should check this before repeating the words of the Zionists, who regard Gaza as a source of “indiscriminate terrorist attacks”.

Palestinians have denounced since 1967 that the Gaza Strip is blocked and say that since 2006 they have been almost airtight. But the ruling class in the West, which profoundly supports Israel, does not want to give a voice to the Palestinian people. It was said by many anti-Zionist Jewish intellectuals, including the UN and many international NGOs, and they were ignored. The explosion was predictable, inevitable, and certainly not the last. The list contains almost two million people, of whom more than 70 per cent are refugees in their country, who are refugees from the occupied territories and who were eternalized by the Zionist movement for the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. Almost 80 per cent of the Palestinian population suffers from food insecurity and is not allowed to seek alternatives outside this range of 365 square kilometres. Gaza also depends on a repressive and corrupt government, and is controlled by Sixteen. Neither the blockade nor Hamas would exist without the occupation of Israel. Terrorism is called synonym and cause: Zionist project, or Israel.


Who are the Palestinian fighters who beheaded the Israelis? Who are the “cruel and savage Arabs” mentioned by Israel and its spokesmen in the media? They are young, most are not 25 years old. They were born on the list, who spent seventeen years blocked, nine under military operations and hundreds of Israelis bombed indiscriminately. In 2006, various international NGOs estimated that 90% of the children on the List suffer from “night incontinence problems”. These children are now young, unemployed, with unemployment rates above 65% and no expectations for the future. They are young people who never left the Gaza list, with the same surface as the municipalities of Exeya (Aragon), Malagón (Castilla La Mancha) or Cieza (Murcia). In general, they feel a great deal of injustice and anger, and for most young fighters the operation “Al Aqsa Storm” has been the first opportunity to leave this fenced territory.

Who is to blame? It is clear that the Israeli Zionist regime and the ruling classes in Europe. Those with power did not want to solve their racism and anti-Judaism. Its only “solution” was to promote the creation of an Israeli colonial organization to the detriment of the Palestinian people.


Big October! A great friend and a jail house calls it this month. We were together celebrating that I was released from jail, on a beach near the Yabala refugee camp, with the highest population density on the planet. He is a Bedouin refugee born in poverty in a refugee camp. His parents came to the List from Alyammama, where the Zionists built the Rohma tribe. Several kibutz attacked by sixteen.

The “great deficit” is marked in the Arab collective memory with the triumph of the war of 6 October 1973; the armies of Egypt and Syria surprised Israel and, subsequently, after the negotiation and political processes, had to liberate the Sinai peninsula and a small part of the Golans plateau. History has been repeated, but otherwise, on 7 October this year. Even if it is not a victory, we can talk about the “shock effect”. In that area of 1973 Israel undervalued the capacity of the Arabs, which is clearly seen in the thousands of pages of the archive published last month.

Despite the fact that Israel was defeated after occupying the Arab territories and suffering mistreatment of citizens, the Zionist regime continues to make films showing the Israelis as representatives of the “white civilization” against the “Arab barbarism”. They also continue to deny that they were fooled by the Arabs, through Egyptian Agent AshάMarwan, and try to prove the opposite.

The reflection of the colonialist cognitive dissonance is that Benyamin Netanyahu, after declaring the war, complains aggressively to the citizens of the Gaza Strip: “Stop there because we are going to fight Hamas.” Netanyahu refuses to acknowledge that the Palestinian cause is not limited to sixteen, and that the abandonment of Gaza will bring with it the return to the occupied territories in 1948 or the genocide, and consequently the end of the Israeli colonial regime.

It is clear that the end of the Zionist regime in Israel will not depend on an Islamist faction, because it is part of the exploiting class, and its military action is not governed by a political strategy. The liberation of Palestine is a process that can only achieve a mass movement with a clear objective: Constitution of the Palestinian State between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, with a pluralist, socialist, secular and democratic socio-economic structure.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian people must find their internal revolution and fight the ruling class. It will also have to recreate its representative body and find the right combination of methods of fighting, including politicised armed struggle. Unfortunately, at the moment we will be witnessing criminal Zionist attacks, the hardest since the Israeli invasion of 1967.


Newton's third law says that every action produces a reaction of the same intensity. It is an objective law of nature applicable to social dynamics. The explosion was inevitable by the Zionist colonialism practised by the Israeli regime. Sixteen needed it, it has to restore its image, after several years ruling the Gaza Strip with a hard iron hand and a lot of corruption. At the same time, they need their mobilized and doctrinated fighters not to leave, faced with the inaction of Sixteen in the face of the daily repression and attacks by Israel in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Mainstream Israeli media, such as the official Kan chain or secular private chains 12 and 13, have two days of conversation. Former military, reservist military, analysts, politicians and journalists (unfortunately) continually repeat an apocalyptic semantic field. The most repeated sentences are: “The basis of Gaza’s terrorism must be destroyed. International assistance. We are facing an enemy who wants to kill us all. Hamas must be destroyed. We must guarantee freedom of action against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.” It is inevitable, by law, that no television channel can obtain permission if it renounces its commitment to promote Zionism, that is, to promote a Zionist warlike ideology full of anthropophobia.

The official accounts of Israeli politicians and state institutions publish a content different from Hebrew in Spanish or English. In order to know whether the Zionist regime is cruel, ideological, colonialist and racist, these Hebrew accounts must be accessed and the translation option pressed. That's how it looks much clearer.

The United States sent the ship “Gerald Ford” to help, either with electronic and cyber war, or with firearms if necessary, to compensate for the technological failure suffered by Israel and the United States in the operation “Storm Al Aqsa” against Iranian technology. They are prepared to participate in another crime against the Palestinian people. The Zionist regime, the only one with nuclear weapons in the country, does not disappear as a result of a war, and the Islamic militia of Sixteen will not liberate Palestine. Nor will Israeli nuclear weapons and US aircraft prevent the continued struggle to liberate Palestine.

Meanwhile, Israel must be punished. And we can do this by boycotting all its political, artistic, economic and sporting strength.

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