In the media analysis, the movement of these vests has been defined as socially heterogeneous and politically apolitical, so they tend to be in the political spectrum at the right end. In a number of pickets, where traffic was filtering, racist and homophobic statements have been heard against a number of drivers who refused to stop. Therefore, the spokesman for the French Government has not lost the time to condemn the Foreign Statements issued today. On the other hand, since it is a movement that has risen up against the fuel tax, this mobilisation has been accused of acting against the environment.
So. How can we interpret what happened on the French roads? What kind do those wearing the shiny vest belong to? In which areas have the greatest mobilizations taken place? What have the organizers talked about through social media?
We need more in-depth research if we are to understand what has happened in the French State in a rigorous and direct manner. The public radio France Culture has compiled reports derived from the social sciences from various academic publications with the aim of creating a retratist robot.
The journal Contretemps has published an interview with the sociologist Benoit Coquard. Coquard, a social researcher in rural areas, approached the pickets on November 17. After speaking with the natives, he drew the following conclusions:
Alexis Spirer has analysed the relationship of the French with fiscal and fiscal policy, as well as its consequences. Throughout the history of France, various actors have questioned the fiscal policy of the state, including the Poujadists of 1950, the craftsmen of Nicoud of 1970, the directors of the startups of 2012. In these mobilizations, a professional organization called its members.
In this case, from the point of view of the professions we are faced with a plural movement, very dispersed in the territorial sphere, which has not been used by the professional organizations of its organization, nor has it used the mobilization networks of always. The sociologist also points out that in 2016 there were two demonstrations against the general regime of the self-employed. In these circumstances, the fuel price spark has set fire to many citizens and not only to professionals directly involved in transport, but also to people who are in contact with it.
Among these proposals, Spire says, we do not need to seek extreme car protection, nor concern about fuel prices. On the contrary, what has happened is a reaction to the tax: by moving against the fuel tax, the yellow vests are not opposed to the tax, but to the unequal taxation of the tax.
Regarding cartography, Hervé Lebras has published his analysis in the journal Nouvel Observateur. In his view, the map of mobilizations does not respond to the geographical distribution of the areas most voted for by the far right, nor to the so-called peri-urban France (neighbourhoods and residential villages around large cities). On the contrary, the least populated departments are the ones that have mobilized the most, and the mobilization is increasing as we move away from the big cities.
We would be facing a “Diagonal of the void” that goes from Ardeche to Euskal Herria, that is, the territories that lose the most population, so that nearby social and public services have disappeared.
On the contrary, Hervé Le Brasil remembers that Marine Le Pen receives the majority of his votes both on the Mediterranean coast and in northern France.
As for social media activity, the four researchers at the University of Toulouse have filtered, with the help of software, 2 million tweets and 29188 Facebook. As the media tells us about antinuclear, racist and apolitical, the four researchers (Brigitte Sebbah, Natacha Souillard, Laurent Thiong-Kay, Nikos Smyrnaios) show that this is a 2.0 citizen mobilization.
The racist lexicon has disappeared altogether, and the absence of the dictionary of the extreme right has also been felt. On the contrary, the sceptical attitude towards the national media is total.
These four sociological analyses deny the superficial image given by various media and the situation is much more complex. The question is how far this movement will be able to make a fundamental change in the French State.
This analysis has been published by the web and we have brought it thanks to the Creative Commons license.
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